二手 FEI Nova 200 #293687680 待售

FEI Nova 200
ID: 293687680
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB SEM) Dual beam Sirion electron column with SCHOTTKY Thermionic emitter (field-assisted): 2-30 keV Gallium ion source: 5 and 30 keV with Magnum™ ion column with octupole electrostatic lens Everhart Thornley detector for secondary electron and backscattered electron Kleindiek 3-axis micro-manipulator Pt deposition: Gas Injection System (GIS) for masking, contacting and hole-filling XeF2 Enhanced etching (7x increase) 5-Axis ucentric stage X,Y: ±50 mm Z: 25 mm Tilt: -15° to + 75° Rotation = 360° Ion probe range: 1pA to (7 nm diameter) to 20 nA (430 nm).