二手 AIRCO TEMESCAL FC 3200 #9195626 待售


FC 3200
ID: 9195626
E-Beam evaporator GE FANUC PLC Control system Integrated cryo pump regeneration Process recipe control Data logging On board flat screen integrated Windows PC 32” x 32” S/S Process chamber (Water cooled) 10.6" High speed flat planetary Operator / Engineer computer interface includes: Data logging of: Ion & convectron, valves & chamber heat User level system control Integrated cryo pump regeneration control Process recipe editing TELEMARK TT-6 Digital display Programmable sweep control 6-Pocket electron beam gun 5kVA SCR Controlled transformer Fixture to accept customer specified thermal evaporation boats Feedthroughs for one restive thermal source (2) Separate source shutters (2) 2kW Heater assemblies with feed throughs 4kW Temperature control (2) Ion / (4) Convectron gauges VV-400 View port with shutter PLC Closed loop pressure control through: 02 MFC / GRANVILLE PHILLIPS 354 CTI 400 Cryo pump with CTI 1020R compressor PLC Controlled automatic regeneration N2 Purge gas heater Deposition rate monitor: MAXTEK 6 MHz quartz crystal sensor Programmable: For material density Acoustic impedance Tooling factor (3) Planets: (4) 4” Variable speed single plane planetary systems (12) Wafers per run LEYBOLD D-30, 2-stage direct drive 26cfm mechanical pump Pump base pressure: 12 Micron or better Includes: Manuals Schematics binder Options: Multi pocket E-beam source (2) Large volume single pocket guns.
AIRCO TEMESCAL FC 3200蒸发器是为商用制冷系统设计的蒸发器。它由重型不锈钢结构制成,涂覆在耐腐蚀的表面。蒸发器具有可移动的引擎盖设计,便于访问和维修。它配备了密封压缩机,以提高设备效率和可靠性。蒸发器采用全铝翅片管冷凝器和具有制冷剂电路交换技术的蒸发器,并结合机械膨胀和自然膨胀,以改善制冷剂的热特性。FC 3200还配备了变速电动机和自动系统控制器(ASC),用于监视和控制设备,以提高精度和效率。它还包括一个内部过滤器盒,帮助保持水分和颗粒物从制冷机。蒸发器容量范围广泛,在4-36吨之间,适用于低温应用。蒸发器也是UL认可和CUL上市的安全和质量保证.在工具部件方面,AIRCO TEMESCAL FC 3200采用密封压缩机、全铝鳍管冷凝器、具有制冷剂电路交换技术的蒸发器以及变速电动机和自动资产控制器(ASC)来监测和控制模型。在结构方面,它由重型不锈钢制成,涂有耐腐蚀的涂层,并具有可移动的引擎盖设计,便于进出和维修。它也是UL认可和CUL上市的安全和质量保证.最后,FC 3200设计用于低温应用的商用制冷系统。其容量范围广泛,从4-36吨不等,提供出色的热特性、准确性和效率。AIRCO TEMESCAL FC 3200凭借其密封式压缩机和变速电机的可靠稳定性能,是商用制冷的理想选择。