二手 ASM Eagle 60 #135194 待售


Eagle 60
ID: 135194
Wire bonders with vertical LED Specifications: Bonding system: Bonding method: thermosonic (TS) BQM mode: constant current, voltage, power and normal (programmable) Loop type: normal, low, square, penta, J, VLED, FLEX XY resolution: 0.2µm Z resolution (capillary traveling motion): 0.4µm Fine pitch capability: 35µm pitch at 0.6 mil wire No. of bonding wires: up to 3000 Program storage: 1000 programs on hard disk Multimode transducer system: programmable profile, control and vibration modes Vision system: Pattern recognition time: 60 ms/point Pattern recognition accuracy: ± 0.37µm Lead locator detection: 12 ms/lead (3 leads/frame) Lead locator accuracy: ± 2.4 µm Post bond inspection: first bond, second bond and wire tracing Maximum die level different: 400 to 500µm Material handling system: Indexing speed: 200 to 250ms at 0.5" pitch Indexer resolution: 1µm Lead frame position accuracy: ± 2 mil Applicable lead frame: W: 24 to 73mm at bonding area in Y = 65mm 24 to 90mm at bonding area in Y = 48mm L: 280mm (magazine) T: 0.075 to 0.8mm Applicable magazine: W: 98mm (maximum) L: 140 to 280mm H: 180mm (magazine) Magazine pitch: 2.4 to 10mm (0.09" to 0.39") Device changeover: < 4 minutes Package changeover: < 5 minutes Number of buffer magazines: 3 (maximum 435mm) Does not include a Cu kit for Cu wire bonding 2002 to 2005 vintage.
ASM Eagle 60是一种自动毛细管粘合器,用于亚微米金属丝粘合.它具有由微处理器驱动的小型可靠组件,可实现精确的功能控制。其定制设计结合了多个模块化方面,允许进行集成升级并简化维护。Eagle 60配备了确保过程控制的多区加热级、具有可调精度阈值的用户友好界面和高度灵敏的微米。它还有一个视觉系统,检查每个焊接接头并自动记录粘合活动。用加热的毛细管和可调节距离校准的超声波尖端进行粘合活动。这确保了对键合参数的良好控制,并使亚微米元件的布线成为可能。该粘合器还配备了一个安装头和两个可以连接到附加结构的控制臂,以便更稳定可靠的配置。此外,它还具有集成的自动校准系统,可简化可重复的粘合过程。此外,ASM Eagle 60提供了一个先进的实时可编程铝箔控制系统,支持自动化的过程开发和控制。对于成本、全寿命价值、易用性等因素,鹰60是粘合剂的绝佳选择。它极其可靠、高效,需要极少的操作员干预,使其成为一系列工业和学术应用的理想选择。此外,它的可自定义设计使其成为那些需要提高性能的用户的一个有吸引力的选项。