二手 ASM Eagle 60 #9290131 待售

Eagle 60
ID: 9290131
优质的: 2004
Wire bonder Ambient temperature: 5°C - 40°C Humidity: <80% Bonding method: THERMOSONIC (TS) BQM Mode: Constant current Voltage Power and normal Loop type: Normal, low, square, penta and J X, Y Resolution: 0.2 µm Z Resolution (Capillary travelling motion): 0.4 µm Fine pitch capability: 35 µm Pitch at 0.6 mil wire Bonding wires: Up to 3000 Program storage: 1000 Programs on hard disk Multimode transducer system: Control and vibration modes Vision system: Pattern recognition time: 60 ms / Point Pattern recognition accuracy: ±0.37 µm Lead locator detection: 12 ms / Lead (3 Leads / Frame) Lead locator accuracy: ±2.4 urn Maximum die level different: 400-500 µm Material handling system: Indexing speed: 200-250 ms at 0.5" Pitch Indexer resolution: 1 µm Lead frame position accuracy: ±2 Mil Lead frame: Width: 24-73 mm at Bonding area in Y: 65 mm 24-90 mm at Bonding area in Y: 48 mm Maximum length: 280 mm T: 0.075-0.8 mm Applicable magazine: Maximum width: 98 mm Length: 140-280 mm Maximum height: 180 mm Magazine pitch: 2.4-10 mm (0.09" - 0.39") Device changeover: <4 minutes Package changeover: <5 minutes (3) Buffer magazines: 435 mm (maximum) Power supply: Compressed air: 152 LPM Maximum at 3-6 bar Voltage: 110 VAC Voltage tolerance: +10% Frequency: 50 Hz Frequency tolerance: ±1% Single phase Power consumption: 1500 W 2004 vintage.
ASM Eagle 60是一款可靠的全自动线键接机,具有卓越的灵活性,旨在确保快速可靠的线键接合。它非常适合广泛的行业,包括电子、汽车、医疗、航空航天、光电、军事等。Eagle 60使用先进的超声波焊接工具,确保高质量的焊接连接。其交流伺服电机技术使其高效,触摸屏操作员界面使其易于使用。该系统的机载自动化和优化特性使得调整电线连接参数以提高精度和速度成为可能。此外,ASM Eagle 60还能够粘合各种线材尺寸和材料-从铜和金到铝、银和碳。这种多功能性使得高容量和中型生产线的应用范围广泛。Eagle 60专为快速高效地处理大型作业而设计,它采用集成的组件放置系统,可消除手动装配并提高生产效率。其经过磨练的设计还提供了卓越的灯、感应和视觉调节功能,以实现更快的检查和更少的报废部件。ASM Eagle 60提供了紧凑但多样的线结范围和高精度。它的18-可编程驱动器运动控制系统允许操作员编程不同的循环设置和张力建议。此外,Eagle 60还支持各种粘结头形状、热桩工具和钳子。ASM Eagle 60包括内置诊断功能,允许用户跟踪、故障排除和记录有关电线连接条件的数据。板载USB端口用于记录操作期间记录的数据。机器还内置安全功能,保护操作员免受污染物、飞溅等危害。Eagle 60特别方便用户使用,并获得UL和CE认证以确保安全。它坚固的设计确保了高水平的可靠性和准确性,而用户友好的界面使它易于操作。因此,ASM Eagle 60是电子生产线的可靠且经济实惠的补充。