二手 ASM Eagle 60 #9290132 待售

Eagle 60
ID: 9290132
优质的: 2005
Wire bonder Ambient temperature: 5°C - 40°C Humidity: <80% Bonding method: THERMOSONIC (TS) BQM Mode: Constant current Voltage Power and normal Loop type: Normal, low, square, penta and J X, Y Resolution: 0.2 µm Z Resolution (Capillary travelling motion): 0.4 µm Fine pitch capability: 35 µm Pitch at 0.6 mil wire Bonding wires: Up to 3000 Program storage: 1000 Programs on hard disk Multimode transducer system: Control and vibration modes Vision system: Pattern recognition time: 60 ms / Point Pattern recognition accuracy: ±0.37 µm Lead locator detection: 12 ms / Lead (3 Leads / Frame) Lead locator accuracy: ±2.4 urn Maximum die level different: 400-500 µm Material handling system: Indexing speed: 200-250 ms at 0.5" Pitch Indexer resolution: 1 µm Lead frame position accuracy: ±2 Mil Lead frame: Width: 24-73 mm at Bonding area in Y: 65 mm 24-90 mm at Bonding area in Y: 48 mm Maximum length: 280 mm T: 0.075-0.8 mm Applicable magazine: Maximum width: 98 mm Length: 140-280 mm Maximum height: 180 mm Magazine pitch: 2.4-10 mm (0.09" - 0.39") Device changeover: <4 minutes Package changeover: <5 minutes (3) Buffer magazines: 435 mm (maximum) Power supply: Compressed air: 152 LPM Maximum at 3-6 bar Voltage: 110 VAC Voltage tolerance: +10% Frequency: 50 Hz Frequency tolerance: ±1% Single phase Power consumption: 1500 W 2005 vintage.
ASM Eagle 60是一款精密粘合器,专为满足工业粘合的高精度要求而设计。鹰60可用于多种表面安装元件,包括电线、细间距芯片和翻转芯片。这台机器外形小巧,成本低,对各种OEM和合同制造商来说都是一个有吸引力的选择。设备的高精度热电偶确保精确的温度控制;该系统的双区域加热器和分割控制传感器还确保了良好的热图像可重复性。ASM Eagle 60配备了数字压力控制器,可实现可重复、精确的压力控制,以及先进的控制单元,可实现快速闭环控制和对动态负载变化的反应。Eagle 60有两个主要的过程模块:线束模组和共晶模组。线束使用压电针嵌入和形成铅框,可以针对任何形状或尺寸的组件量身定制。共晶模组能够进行精确的放置,以及对共晶材料的精确应用。此外,ASM Eagle 60还有一个可以检测过程相关故障的高稳定性过程监视器,以及一个完全可编程的过程控制器,可以对所有过程参数进行编程。该机还具有用户友好的菜单预览,使用户可以快速轻松地设置各种机器配置。总之,Eagle 60为用户提供了一种经济实惠但精度高的粘合解决方桉。该机先进的热控制能力,以及多样化的粘合能力和用户友好的界面,使其成为许多OEM和合同制造商的一个有吸引力的选择。该机外形小,是生产车间环境的理想选择。