二手 NTC / KOMATSU PV500FD #9216984 待售

ID: 9216984
优质的: 2014
Diamond wire saw
Wire running method:
Coolant (Diamond wire): Acceleration / Deceleration 3 sec, (2) cycles/min
Two way / One way (Wire speed: 900 m/min / Slower)
One-way (Wire speed: Faster than 900 m/min)
Acceleration / Deceleration: 3 sec, (2) cycles/min
Wire speed (Maximum):
1200 m/min Coolant (Diamond wire)
1000 m/min (Slurry)
Cutting method (Feed): Downward cut
Cutting feed speed (Feed): 0.1 - 2.5 mm/min
Rapid feed / Rapid return speed (Feed): 50 - 500 mm/min
Wire storage capacity: 100 km
Core wire diameter: Φ 0.12 mm
Abrasive grain diameter: 10/20 µm
Wire diameter: Φ 0.15 mm
Wire tension: 25 N
Noise level: 80 dB (A) / Less
Compressed air (Dry air):
Air pressure: 0.4 - 0.6 MPa
Air capacity: 600 NL/min
Pipe size: Rc1/2 / Greater
Cooling water:
Cooling water temperature: 11 ± 1°C
Cooling water pressure: 0.35 - 0.40 MPa
Cooling water flow rate:
250 L/min (Supply to heat exchanger)
10 L/min (Cooling main spindles)
Cutting fluid:
Use slurry: 170 mPas / Below
SC1000 (Viscosity 100 - 150 mPa.s)
Coolant (Diamond wire):
Stock solution
Water-dilution: SUNDASH Series (Nicca chemical)
Mist exhaust: Recommended exhaust capacity 3 - 5 m³/min
Piping and primary power cable inlet: Overhead
Automatic coolant change unit:
Supply: 40 A
Discharge: 40 A
Feed unit:
Stroke: 355 mm
Cutting feed speed: 0.1 - 2.5 mm/min
Rapid feed speed: 50 - 500 mm/min
Motor output:
0.75 kW With brake (AC Servomotor)
With 1-25 reduction gear
Main roller:
Groove outer diameter (Usable range): Φ240 - Φ230
(2) Main spindlers:
Motor output: 60 kW (AC Servomotor)
Rated motor torque: 500 Nm
(2) Reel spindlers / Traverse:
Motor output: 16 kW (AC Servomotor)
(2) Dancer rollers:
Wire tension: 10 to 25 N
Motor output: 5.5 kW With brake (AC Servomotor)
(6) Guide rollers:
Roller groove diameter: 100 mm
Coolant tank unit:
Tank capacity: 400 L
Coolant supply pump output: 7.5 kW
Agitator motor: 0.75 kW
Fluid level detection: Float type
Heat exchanger:
Method: Cooling water control, (2) paths
Heat exchanger duty: 90 kW (77400 k cal)
Main spindles
Reel spindles
Feed ball screw
Hydraulic unit: Tank capacity 1.4 L
Control power source: 100 VAC, 24 VDC
Electric power capacity:
Machine: 74 kVA (Maximum: 125 kVA)
Primary power source: 380 VAC, 50 Hz / 440 VAC, 60 Hz, 3-Phase, 3-Wire
Voltage fluctuation: ±10%
Frequency fluctuation: ±1 Hz
2014 vintage.
NTC/KOMATSU PV500FD是一种综合性晶体生长、锯切和切片设备,专为高效生产材料而设计,包括集成电路的硅。它配备了脉冲加热化学气相沉积(CVD)合成系统、高精度线锯切片单元等先进部件。这使得它非常适合在各种材料、应用和规格中进行高质量的散装晶体生长。CVD合成机包括一个高温脉冲加热的感应炉,容量可达250毫米。它能够达到高达2000 °C的高温。也可用于复合半导体生长和金刚石膜的化学气相沉积。该炉具有自动倾斜和从属系统的特点,可精确设置和提高温度均匀性。高精度金刚石线锯切片工具用于单晶切片。它配备了变速直驱伺服电机、自动进给和跟踪速度控制。其分体式切割序列和自动切片选项提高了收率。刚性结构的倒车线锯最多可装载六个插槽,也可用于多次锯切操作。NTC PV500FD能够使用精密金刚石刀片执行多级切片。切片功能具有调整刀片尺寸、切削速度、切削方向和切片轮廓的能力。它还能够存储多达50种不同的切片食谱。KOMATSU PV500FD资产还配备了机器人操作的多箱,在切片后进行分类和分类的模型。设备可以根据用户的要求进行定制,并可以连续或批量模式操作。该系统旨在最大限度地减少功耗并降低成本。它具有供暖机节能回收回火装置和提高能效的主动温度控制功能。它还包括用于检测工具中异常状况的监视器。PV500FD是高效生产各种应用所需材料(包括集成电路用硅)的综合资产。配备脉冲加热CVD合成模型、高精度金刚石线锯切片设备、切割切片机器人、切片后分选件的多箱分选系统。该设备设计为以最高效率运行,以最大程度地减少功耗并降低成本。