二手 MICRO MOVEMENTS M2200-8 #167918 待售

ID: 167918
Thermal chart recorder Signal Inputs: Pressure, Temperature, Strain, Flow, displacement, Vibration etc., from virtually any type of sensor Presentation: Thermal array, high resolution black on white records. Fully overlapping (i.e. each channel can write across the full chart width) or non-overlapping on roll paper Calibration: Integral calibration facility with digital display of input and output level for on-site verification of channel set-up Data Analysis: Data accessible to a wide range of analysis software, e.g. EFT., Signal Averaging, X/V plotting, etc Mobile/Dedicated Use: The unit can be configured as a stand-alone system providing data acquisition, real time chart recorder and formatted printout of test results Communications: RS232C or optional parallel interfaces, e.g. IEEE 488 Battery Operation: An optional integral inverter permits operation directly from 1 2v and 24/28v D.C. supplies (e.g. car, truck or aircraft batteries) Includes user manual and flight case.
MICRO MOVICATIONS M2200-8是一种电子测试设备,旨在简化测试和调试操作,使工程师和技术人员更容易开发、部署和维修产品。它允许快速测试、诊断和修复与电气和电子电路板、组件和系统有关的故障。M2200-8配备了多种方便故障排除的功能,包括内置电源和DMM(数字多米)以及变频示波器、阻抗分析器、逻辑/信号分析器和振动/惯性分析器。通过自动设置功能进一步增强了示波器功能,提高了测量波形特性的速度和精度。阻抗分析器功能允许用户快速诊断小信号故障并查明问题的根源。Logic/Signal Analyzer在尝试排除数字设计故障时特别有用,因为它能够检测瞬态波形、脉冲波形和故障。振动/惯性分析仪在测试电机或其他机械部件的性能时非常宝贵,因为它可以测量振动水平并快速检测可能减慢或损坏机器的松动电气连接。除了强大的功能外,MICRO MOVENTS M2200-8结构坚固,具有轻巧、铝制的底盘和耐高温的外观。它被进一步保护免受灰尘和水分的侵袭,使其适合在各种各样的环境中使用。全面的安全功能可防止用户在测试过程中无意中损坏组件。总体而言,M2200-8是一种功能强大且用途广泛的测试设备,可让工程师和技术人员快速排除和诊断电气和电子电路板、组件和系统上的故障。其全面的功能使其非常适合广泛的应用,而其强大的构造确保了它在最恶劣的环境中的可用性。