
ID: 9247992
Glove box
Modular glove box (expandable at any time)
Material: Stainless steel 1.4301
Inner dimensions:
Width: 1,240 mm
Depth: 790 mm
Height: 900 mm
Standard equipment:
(2) Glove ports d=220 mm made of POM, white
(2) Gloves, made of anti-static butyl
(2) Security seal rings for gloves made of stainless steel
(3) Shelves at the rear wall, adjustable
(2) DIN ISO KF40 Feed throughs
(2) HEPA H14 Filters (Gas inlet / gas outlet)
Electro feed through 240 V includes 6-way socket
LED Light strip above front screen
Security and comfort valve
Table, height adjustable, with rolls and locking device
With Gas purification type: E-Line
Single filter system for efficient removal of O2 and H2O
Attainable purification level: < 1 ppm O2 and H2O
Capacity of purification: Up to 5.2 m³ glove box volume
Required gas for regeneration: Inert gas with 4%-10% H2
Standard equipment:
SIEMENS PLC With color touchscreen, 7"
Automatic flushing of the glove box
Automatic pressure control of the glove box
Over pressure and under pressure selectable
Adjustable alarm for O2 or H2O
Automatic reactor valves
Automatic run at the reactor regeneration
Automatic circulation blower
Automatic anti chamber cycle programmable
2-Stage vacuum pump
18.9 m³/h with oil mist filter.
GS GLOVEBOX SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH Mega 2是一种为提供人工控制环境而设计的环境室。该室通常用于测试材料和产品设计、食品稳定性研究、微生物研究和加速老化测试。该室专为具有复杂测试需求的应用而设计,因此其功能强大且经过定制,可满足任何客户的特定需求。它由不锈钢构成,使其具有很高的耐用性和理想的测试用途。该单元还配备了玻璃门,可以在不影响内部环境的情况下观看房间。腔室内部容积高达194升,温度范围为-85 °C至+180 °C。它还有多种选择让用户定制测试环境,包括高效玻璃棒-128蒸发单元、用于虚拟模拟的附加温度传感器、三级相对湿度、各种通风设置以及附加照明。该室还包括一个警报系统,在任何环境测试超出范围时触发信号。这样可以确保用户知道腔室环境中是否发生任何更改。该腔室被制成人性化,配有7英寸微触摸面板和图形用户界面来控制环境。除了标准功能外,Mega 2还提供了一些附加选项,如腐蚀和温度循环测试、液体冷却、热油箱、高密度泡沫绝缘和油冷却系统。GS GLOVEBOX SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH Mega 2还提供了几种样品架可供选择,在测试样品时具有很大的灵活性。总体而言,Mega 2是一个强大而灵活的环境室。它的不锈钢结构确保了持久的耐用性,其可自定义的选项使用户能够灵活地创建最符合其需求的测试环境。GS GLOVEBOX SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH Mega 2是寻找可靠环境测试室的一个绝佳选择。