二手 VACUUM ATMOSPHERES Nexus 2000 #9087220 待售

ID: 9087220
优质的: 2000
Glove box
Part no: 10026
Software Version: NEX-WARE 5.03B
Single Sided and Single (2 Port) length.
45"W x 30"D x 36"H
Stainless steel construction with removable end panels
Full view LEXAN front panel with aluminum glove ports
Standard customer interface penetrations on end panel opposite antechamber
(1) 1/2" NPT female feed thru
(1) 3/8" NPT female feed thru
(1) Dual electrical junction box inside of glovebox
Steel construction
Supporting glovebox
Holding panels with gas purification system
Instrumentation and controls
Stand has height levelers
Antechamber: 15" diameter x 24" long, aluminum, mounted on right end panel
Gas Purification System
Single Purifies with 0-40 CFM blower, manual isolation valves mounted into stand
20 liters of O2
2.3 Kg of H2O absorption capacity
Can achieve less than 1-PPM equilibrium.
Standard 0.3-micron inlet and outlet filters on purification system
Driven interface
Operator's 4 key keypad and color graphical display.
Built in programmed control of purifier regeneration and lab pressure
Built in system diagnostics
Manual Antechamber ball valves for evacuation and refill
NEXUS Instrumentation and Control: Industrial computer that monitors and controls the complete NEXUS system
Fluorescent Light: (1) light over LEXAN window
Adjustable Shelves: (1) set of three shelves, 8" deep x 24" wide
Glove Port Cover: Protects atmosphere during glove replacement
Glove Box Purge: Manual 1" Ball Valve
Vacuum Pump: Edwards RV-8 6.9 CFM Vacuum Pump with Edwards EMF-10
Pressure control foot switch
Display: pressure, moisture level, oxygen level, purifier status and blower speed
Hermetically sealed, stainless steel enclosure with a full-view window
Right-sided attached 15" diameter antechamber
110VAC, 60 Hz Operation
2000 vintage.
VACUUM ATMOSPHERES Nexus 2000 environmental chamber是一种工业级设备,设计用于为太阳能电池和半导体器件测试等应用创造真空环境。该真空室采用集成泵送系统,能够达到高达1x10-5 mbar的真空水平。此外,该腔室还包括差动泵机、电机控制驱动器以及温度和压力传感器,用于精确控制和监测环境。腔室设有空气循环机,维持腔室环境温度,有助于降低腔室功耗,同时提供精确的温度控制。该室还包括一个通风工具,以帮助防止积聚灰尘和碎片。腔室采用重型材料建造,以提高产品的耐用性,减少所需的维护量。此外,该室还配备了包括安全锁定开关在内的一系列安全功能。Nexus 2000具有许多旨在简化测试过程的功能。例如,该室包括用于样本收集的手动装卸资产、用于显示测试结果的内置数字显示器以及有助于跟踪测试持续时间的计时器功能。该室还设有远程数据记录模型,允许实验测试结果转移到外部计算机进行进一步分析。VACUUM ATMOSPHERES Nexus 2000是一个高效可靠的环境室,适合广泛的应用。其集成的抽水设备和安全特性使该腔室非常适合需要对环境进行精确控制和管理的应用。此外,该室的易于使用的特点使得它成为一个伟大的选择,为那些寻找一个经济高效和可靠的环境室。