二手 ESC ELAS #9131115 待售

ID: 9131115
晶圆大小: 6"-8"
RF / DC Sputtering system, 6"-8"
RF Magnetron
RF Diode operation
Loadlock cryo pump, 8"
Chamber, 10"
Heliarc welded
304 Stainless steel plate: 16 mm
View-port: Pyrex window
Pump-out port: 225 mm Diameter
Load lock:
2-Level elevator
Non-coated pallets loaded on upper level
Processed pallets unloaded from lower level
VITON O-ring
Linear bellows
Magnetically coupled drive
Low pressure drive
Loading and unloading
Fully-automatic computer controlled
Diameter wafers: 6-150 mm
Diameter wafers: 4-200 mm
Precision DC motor
With optical encoder feedback control
Chain drive
Labyrinth shielded
Option: DC Bias / RF Bias
Coating speed: 3-350 cm/min, Bi-directional
Vacuum system:
Load lock
CTI-CRYOGENICS Cryo-Torr 8 Vacuum pump
Vacuum valve: 6" ASA (7-1/8" Diameter) Gate valve
Electro-pneumatic operation
Valves: 1-1/2" Bellows sealed
Electro-pneumatic operation
Roughing pump: 27 CFM (762 l/min)
With process chamber
Main chamber:
CTI-CRYOGENICS Cryo-Torr 10 Vacuum pump
Vacuum valve: ASA Gate valve, 10"
Electro-pneumatic operation for gas throttling
Load lock and cryo regeneration: 27 CFM Mechanical pump
Anti-back-streaming trap for mechanical pump
1-1/2" Bellows sealed electro-pneumatic operation
Etch platform:
Moves vertically to engage / Disengage the pallet
Cooling: Water-cooled
Material: Stainless steel
Insulator: Pyrex
Dark space shield: Stainless steel
Residual gas analyzer
RF Generator:
Continuously-rated and specifically designed for sputtering: 1 kW
ISM Frequency: 13.56 MHz
DC Magnetron power supply:
ADVANCED ENERGY Pinnacle Power supply, 12 kW
System performance specifications:
Process parameter control ranges:
Description / Minimum / Maximum / Units
Sputtering pressure / 1 / 90 / Millitor
Scan speed (bi-directional) / 3 / 350 / cm/min
DC Sput / 100 / 12,000 / Watts
RF Sput / 0.02 / 2.10 / kVA
- / 0.1 / 2.00 / kW
Etch revel (Note 2) / 0.02 / 1.50 / kVA
- / 0.1 / 1.50 / kW
DC Bias capability:
Internal mechanism: DC Power
DC Bias activated during DC sputtering
Power supplies: 150 V.
ESC ELAS是一种电化学蚀刻/灰化设备,旨在满足现代薄膜电子的精密蚀刻要求。它是一个坚固而高效的蚀刻系统,利用高密度、脉冲直流功率进行快速、均匀的处理。该单元设计用于广泛的蚀刻应用,包括金属、氧化物、聚合物等可蚀刻薄膜材料。该工艺能够实现每分钟高达几百纳米的蚀刻速率,对选择性、深度、线宽和表面粗糙度进行非常精确的控制。ELAS机器是建立在成熟的技术,包括一个密封,铜套躯干绝缘和耐腐蚀。该机组还配备了集成加热元件,以保持稳定的温度和自调压力调节的功率调节蚀刻室。这确保了统一的蚀刻过程,并促进了极其精确的可重复结果。为达到最佳蚀刻速率,该工具采用了多种蚀刻机构,包括化学气相沉积或CVD,以及高温炉工艺。单独控制的惰性气氛允许更长的蚀刻时间,产生更深的蚀刻。或者,在真空环境中使用等离子体蚀刻可以实现效率更高的短时蚀刻。ESC ELAS资产可以处理范围广泛的晶圆尺寸,从小型芯片到大型矩形面板。它还配备了XYZ级,允许在处理过程中精确放置和固定工人。该模型还包括电子束和X射线蚀刻工艺,以获得更精确的蚀刻结果。所有这些功能结合在一起,使ELAS成为精确蚀刻需求的绝佳选择。该装置非常可靠,能够持续产生高质量的蚀刻结果。此外,它允许用户通过高级诊断程序持续监控蚀刻过程,并提供高重复性的结果。因此,它是工业市场上高精度电子生产应用的理想选择。