二手 LAM RESEARCH Alliance A4 9600 #9204633 待售


ID: 9204633
Etcher (4) Chambers Alliance (A4) mainframe (4) 9600 SE Process modules (Used for metal etch process) VCE Robotic arm extend drives Auto door option Bellows style cassette / Platforms Wafer aligner LL Slide sensor Pre-post alignment Magnatran 7 robot PM1 Configuration: Alliance 9600 SE: Generator (X2): AE-RFG 1250 Turbo pump: SEIKO SEIKI STP1303C Electrostatic chuck included Upgraded VAT 65 pendelum throttle valve NOAH 3500 POU Chiller for ESC temperature control Endpoint detector With chan A-703 nm chan B 440 nm Gases panel configuration: Unit 1661 model MFC's (X6) MFC1 SF6 200 sccm MFC2 O2-Hi 50 sccm MFC3 Ar 300 sccm MFC4 O2-Lo 10 sccm MFC5 NF3 100 sccm MFC6 N2 100 sccm (Spare) PM2 Configuration: Alliance 9600 SE: Generator (X2): AE-RFG 1250 Turbo pump: SEIKO SEIKI STP1303C Electrostatic chuck included Upgraded VAT 65 pendelum throttle valve NOAH 3500 POU chiller for ESC temperature control Endpoint detector With chan A-703 nm, chan B 440 nm Endpoint monochonometer Gases panel configuration: Unit 1661 model MFC's (X6) MFC1 SF6 200 sccm MFC2 O2-Hi 50 sccm MFC3 Ar 300 sccm MFC4 O2-Lo 10 sccm MFCS NF3 100 sccm MFC6 N2 100 sccm (Spare) PM3 Configuration: Alliance 9600 SE: Generator (X2): AE-RFG 1250 Turbo pump: SEIKO SEIKI STP1303C Electrostatic chuck included Upgraded VAT 65 pendelum throttle valve NOAH 3500 POU Chiller for ESC temperature control Endpoint detector With chan A-703 nm, chan B 440 nm Endpoint monochonometer Gases panel configuration: Unit 1661 model MFC's (X6) MFC1 SF6 200 sccm MFC2 O2-Hi 50 sccm MFC3 Ar 300 sccm MFC4 O2-Lo 10 sccm MFC5 NF3 100 sccm MFC6 N2 100 sccm (Spare) PM4 Configuration: Alliance 9600 SE: Generator (X2): AE-RFG 1250 Turbo pump: SEIKO SEIKI STP 1303C Electrostatic chuck included Upgraded VAT 65 pendelum throttle valve NOAH 3500 POU Chiller for ESC temperance control Endpoint detector With chan A-703 nm chan B 440 nm Endpoint monochonometer Gases panel configuration: Unit 1661 model MFC's (X6) MFC1 SF6 200 sccm MFC2 O2-Hi 50 sccm MFC3 Ar 300 sccm MFC4 O2-Lo 10 sccm MFCS NF3 100 sccm MFC6 N2 100 sccm (Spare) System peripherals and ancillary components: Remote AC box (RPM) Gas boxes per chamber ((4) Stackable) (4) NOAH POU Chiller model 3500 Cathode cooling and temperature control Includes: 3500 Controller or equivalent Auxiliary rack for controllers.
LAM RESEARCH Alliance A4 9600是为大型基板的精密处理而设计的蚀刻器/asher模组。它具有传输式射频源、四区底部加热板和允许快速、高效处理的大腔室。A4 9600是金属蚀刻、厚膜基板、介电膜等应用的理想选择。对于金属,A4 9600能够在200kHz和1MHz之间的射频频率下提供高达15w/cm2的功率密度,工作温度范围为200-400°C。它具有自动启动功能,可以轻松设置操作员。此外,还可以对A4 9600进行校准,以实现对均匀性、可重复性和其他工艺参数的严格控制。对于厚膜基板,A4 9600可以在高达400°C的温度下蚀刻。其精确的压力控制能力,使工艺的微调达到精细的特点。它还能够蚀刻比传统蚀刻工艺更厚的结构。对于介电膜,A4 9600在控制和精确蚀刻关键特性方面表现出色。其双源能力允许同时蚀刻不同的薄膜,而其紧密的热耦合提高了蚀刻工艺的均匀性。此外,还可以轻松校准射频源以匹配工艺参数。总体而言,Alliance A4 9600是大型基板精密加工的理想蚀刻器/asher模块。其传输式射频源、四区底加热板、大腔室提供了出色的控制和工艺参数的均匀性。其广泛的工作温度范围、精确的压力控制能力、紧密的热耦合使得它成为厚膜蚀刻和介电膜蚀刻的绝佳选择。