二手 PVA TEPLA / TECHNICS SAM 300 #9039862 待售
![PVA TEPLA / TECHNICS SAM 300 图为 已使用的 PVA TEPLA / TECHNICS SAM 300 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/pva-tepla-technics_sam-300_596749.jpg)
ID: 9039862
晶圆大小: 6"
Scanning acoustic microscope (SAM), 6"
Up to 8" capable
Scanning range: 250 um X, 250 um Y, 100 mm Z
System RF bandwidth: 500 MHz
(2) 150 MHz Transducers
A-Scan: local time of flight information
B-Scan: analysis mode for virtual cross-sections
C-Scan: imaging of selected gated echos
X-Scan: precision gating of echoes with selectable step sizes for narrow layer by layer sample depth analysis
D-Scan: virtual cross-section scans from sample top to bottom
P-Scan: array of B-scans, free selectable
Auto-Scan: automatically selection to pre-programmed location(s), selects field of view, magnification, auto focus, auto selections of gate parameters and gains for virtually automatic inspection of the samples
Sequence Scan: automated scan of pre-defined areas and gated image positions, including auto focus
Z-Scan: tomography image acquisition with digital reconstruction for virtual volumetric viewing with 3D profiling & non-destructive cross sectioning, acquisition of the entire time of flight information for each x,y pixel
Tray Scan: automated scan of pre-defined areas, including auto focus.
PVA TEPLA/TECHNICS SAM 300是一种蚀刻器/aser,设计用于需要通过去除或修改的方式进行材料加工的工业和科学应用。TECHNICS SAM 300蚀刻器配备了专利的、无限制的速度控制激光(SCL)技术,提供无与伦比的性能精度和效率。这使得它非常适合于各种材料的精密蚀刻、切割和钻孔,包括塑料、金属、半导体器件和多氯联苯。在技术和设计方面,PVA TEPLA SAM 300采用环氧树脂包裹的真空室,提供清洁的操作环境,防止灰尘干扰蚀刻过程。其宽广的温度范围和高功率密度允许优化工艺性能,可根据待蚀刻材料的具体要求进一步微调。蚀刻工具配有四轴机器人控制器,可精确切割细小区域。易于操作的可编程输入进一步提高了蚀刻工艺的准确性和敏捷性。SAM 300提供先进的激光控制选项,使用户可以轻松调整激光光斑直径、脉冲能量和蚀刻深度等参数。它还具有根据当前工艺参数调整蚀刻深度的自动深度控制系统。这是有益的,因为它可以实现非常精确的蚀刻过程,还有助于确保正确完成蚀刻过程。此外,激光束可以很容易地通过机器的四轴运动控制系统在任何方向上移动。最后,PVA TEPLA/TECHNICS SAM 300是一种高效、方便用户且经济高效的蚀刻/aser工具,旨在满足工业和科学应用的需要。它的高级功能和可定制的选项使用户能够轻松地准确、快速地蚀刻各种材料。