
ID: 9238802
晶圆大小: 4"-8"
优质的: 2004
E-Beam evaporator, 4"-8" Deposition materials: Al, Au, Ni, Ti, Pt, Ge, ITO, Cr and Ag Deposition controller: MAXTEK MDC-360C Thickness accuracy: 0.5% + 1 Count E-Gun: Diameter 600 mm x height 800 mm TELEMARK TT-6 Control power supply System frame with clad panels Mounting frames with height adjustable transport rollers Rack cabinet, 19" Cooling water distributor with valves Deposition chamber: Single walled made of 304 L stainless steel electro-polished Welded on semi rectangular pipes for cooling and heating Front opening / Closing door with automatic electromagnetic lock / unlock Deposition chamber pumping system and vacuum measurement: CTI-CRYOGENICS Torr-10 Pump (9,000 L/sec for H2O) CTI-CRYOGENICS 9600 Liquid helium water cooled compressor Auto regeneration function for cryo pump (2) Stages rotary vane pump with KF 40 inlet flange Compressed air distribution GP 307 Vacuum gauge controller GP 274 Ion gauge head (2) GP 275 Pirani heads with tungsten filament Process controller / Layer thickness measurement: Process control with RS-232 interface QUARTZ Sensor with 6 MHz oscillator With cooling water lines and signal cables E-Beam evaporator, 6 kW type 265 With wafer substrate holder, 4" x 4", 6" x 2", 8" x 2" (4) Pockets of 25 cc MDC-360C Power supply TT6 Power supply: AC 220 V, 60 Hz, 70 A, 3 Phase, 4 Watts 2004 vintage.
AST/ADVANCED Equipment TECHNOLOGY Peva-600EI Evaporator是一种工业级蒸发器,旨在去除食品加工和其他工业应用中的物质中的水。蒸发器利用先进技术,保证了高效可靠的性能。蒸发器采用与蒸发器主体分离的冷凝器创新设计。这样可以确保用于冷却物质的制冷剂不会泄漏或接触蒸发器中的敏感物质。蒸发器还采用高科技材料,保证在运行过程中承受交换器内部的压力。AST Peva-600EI利用先进技术实现效率最大化和能耗最小化。蒸发器具有节能功能,可在蒸发器处于待机模式时降低功耗。蒸发器还具有精密的温度和压力传感器,可连续测量蒸发器内的温度和压力,并相应调整冷凝速率。ADVANCED SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY Peva-600EI还具有高达80千克/小时的蒸发能力,可从蒸发器中处理的物质中快速有效地清除大量水分子。该蒸发器还具有可移动的蒸发器壳体,便于根据需要维修或维修蒸发器。Peva-600EI蒸发器采用耐用材料制造,保证了多年的可靠运行.蒸发器还有一个内置的安全单元,带有可听和视觉警报,可以提醒操作员注意任何潜在问题。该蒸发器还包括蒸发器机身的有限两年保修和配件的一年保修。AST/ADVANCED MACHINE TECHNOLOGY Peva-600EI Evaporator是寻找可靠、节能的食品加工及其他工业应用蒸发器的理想选择。先进的功能、易于使用的控制和客户服务支持使这种蒸发器成为那些需要可靠和高效的蒸发器来处理各种应用程序的人的绝佳选择。