二手 EDWARDS 19E #70869 待售

ID: 70869
Vacuum evaporator. The 19" dia x 24" H ss bell jar has two 4" dia viewports on the side and one air-release valve. The top has one 1.5" blanked off port and one 4" viewport. The three 4" ports and the waist of the bell jar are water traced. The bell jar has a hydraulic hoist and seals onto a 20" dia steel plated baseplate with fourteen 1" dia feedthrough holes. A 4" high ss feedthrough collar with 16 feedthrough holes is also included. Feedthroughs include: two low voltage, water cooled high current type, three high voltage medium current type, and one octal instrument type. The pumping system of one 23 CFM mechanical pump and one Edwards F903 diffusion (1500 l/s). Manual and electric solenoid valves are used throughout the system. This system includes one, Variac controlled, 3.4 kva filament power supply with output power at 10 volts and one Variac controlled 1 kva filament power supply with output power 10 or 20 volts. A spare bell jar is also available.
EDWARDS 19E是专门为工业应用而设计的先进蒸发器。这种蒸发器提供高效可靠的操作,使其成为寻求优异效果者的理想选择。19E蒸发器由重型不锈钢结构组成,坚固耐用。该蒸发器采用管状设备,有助于优化液体和固体分离。管状系统设计为防止空气和水滴进入蒸发器,同时提供足够的空间保证高效蒸发。此外,EDWARDS 19E还配备了先进的真空绝缘装置,有助于减少热量损失,并有助于温度稳定。19E有一个容量可达55加仑的储罐,非常适合更大的工业应用。它的不锈钢结构有助于防止油箱内的积聚或腐蚀,即使暴露于苛刻的元素或化学物质。这台蒸发器还设有一个大型排水口,便于排水和补充油箱。蒸发器装有恒温器,用于精确控制其热量输出。这使用户能够精确调整热量输出,以达到所需的结果。还包括一个集成的电加热元件,使用户能够将温度设置到他们想要的点。作为一个附加的安全功能,电加热元件具有一个锁定机器,防止意外过热的罐体。EDWARDS 19E配备了易于使用和理解的控制面板。此控制面板允许用户访问手动调节的设置,范围从恒温器设置到罐式加热器级别。此外,面板还包括指示指示灯,指示用户蒸发器电源的状态。总体而言,19E是一种高效、可靠且易于使用的蒸发器,是工业应用的理想选择。它坚固耐用的不锈钢结构和先进的隔热工具使其适合极端温度和恶劣条件。EDWARDS 19E具有庞大的储罐容量、精确的温度控制和用户友好的控制面板,是寻求可靠操作和长期耐用的理想选择。