二手 ULTECH EasyDEP-3 #293602284 待售

ID: 293602284
Thermal evaporator
Chamber size: 500π
Application: Metallization
Process: Au, Cr ,Ti
Sample size, 4"
Frame module:
Mild steel system frame
Control panel mountable, 19"
Movable casters and leveling tools
Gas delivery module:
Gas: N2
Flow control: Metering valve
Pneumatic diaphragm valve
316L Stainless steel tubing
Electro polished
Auto welded gas lines with VCR fitting
Vacuum module:
Vacuum cryo pump: 4000 L/sec
KODIVAC 1600K Rotary pump: 1000 L/min
Maximum pressure: 7.0 x 10^-7
High pressure vacuum gauge: Hot cathode ion gauge
Low pressure vacuum gauge: Convectron gauge
Main vacuum valve: Pneumatic gate valve
Fore line valve: Pneumatic angle valve
Roughing line valve: Pneumatic angle valve
Soft start pumping line, 1/2"
Auto vent line
Stainless steel hard line
Bellow line
Thickness monitor module:
Thickness monitor resolution: 0.123 A/sec
Crystal range: 6 MHz
Measurement frequency: 4 Hz
Operation temperature: 0 - 50°C
Oscillator package
Standard thickness sensor
Water feed through: 2.75°C
Thermal source module:
Maximum power: 1.5 kW
Output voltage: 0-5 V
Output current: 0-300 A
Current regulation: ±2% of full scale
(2) Tungsten thermal boat and spiral filament
High current isolation
Process chamber module:
Shutter view port
SUS304 Cleaning cover
Chamber purge and vent
Thermal shutter open / Close by air cylinder
Crystal sensor port
Sample susceptor, 4"
Sample stage rotation by AC motor
Substrate size, 4"
Manual and semi auto switch control.
ULTECH EasyDEP-3蒸发器是一种用于商业和工业环境的蒸气压缩蒸发器。这是一种高效、经济高效的除去气体或液体设备中的水或水分的方法。蒸发器产生可靠、高性能的蒸气流,然后在冷凝器中冷凝,在后期作为液体收集。蒸发器采用不锈钢外壳,提供高质量的耐腐蚀性。这是一个重要特征,因为商业或工业环境中使用的许多液体含有腐蚀性成分,如果不进行相应处理,会对蒸发器造成损害。此外,外壳的设计允许快速方便的维护和清洁。蒸发器有一个省电的直接安装电动机和一个主操作阀。电机允许精确调制,以减少能源消耗,而主操作阀提供可靠的控制系统的水/液体输入和输出。蒸发器还设有一个防堵塞预过滤器,以防止碎片和任何不需要的杂质进入装置。EasyDEP-3蒸发器采用最新的蒸气压缩技术,采用多级蒸发制冷设计,以最大限度地提高能效。该技术的工作原理是压缩液体或气流的气态蒸气。压缩蒸气随后通过冷却冷凝器,降低温度并冷凝成液体。蒸发器还结合了自滴盘机,有助于降低脱水过程中使用的能量,防止因蒸发温度损失而造成效率损失。它是通过收集冷凝液来实现的,这样它就可以被重复使用,而不是让它滴入某种排水工具,在那里它会丢失。ULTECH EasyDEP-3蒸发器设计紧凑,易于安装和操作.蒸发器还配备了压力表,以帮助监测过程并在必要时进行任何调整以提高效率。总体而言,EasyDEP-3蒸发器是一种可靠、高效、经济实惠的蒸发器,易于安装、维护和操作,使其成为商业和工业应用的理想解决方桉。