二手 ADVANTEST T 5371 #9290043 待售

ID: 9290043
Test station 1 and 2:
Test head housing HV2
1664 Channels:
DR: 960 channels
I/O: 640 channels
DC: 64 channels
Control box
Trigger terminal
Test head: Air flow (front to rear)
Test head cable length: 8 m
Programmable power supply: 128"/ STN
Composition PPS channels: 1-32,33-64,65-96,97-128
Timing generator:
Number of timing edges ACLK1: 128 edges
BCLK1: 128 edges
CCLK1: 128 edges
DRECLKL (DREL): 128 edges
DRECLKT (DRET): 128 edges
STRB: 4 edges
WSTRB: 4 edges
Pattern generator:
ALPG X Registor: 16 bits
ALPG Y Registor: 16 bits
Driver output reference level (VIH,VIL) 16 pairs
Comparator input reference level (VOH,VOL) 16 pairs
Terminator voltage (VT) 16 pairs
Programmable load (PL) 16 pairs
Failure analysis memory
Hard MRA-4 (1Gbits / board) 4 units / STN [X] FMRA 1-8
Pattern memory: 576 Mbits
GP-IB Interface
Down flow mainframe
Flash memory function
Control sections:
Tester processor: Memory capacity 8 MBytes
Memory capacity 128 MBytes
Hard Disk Drive: 8 GB
CD-ROM Drive
Floppy Disk Drive: 3.5 Inch
Asynchronous serial port
Graphic color monitor, 17"
TP PCI Bus interface
Hard Disk Drive: 18 GB
20 GB 4mm DDS4 Tape drive H3-6813 / H3-6704
SCSI Interface
(8) Line asynchronous serial interface boards
Color laser printer
Network connection kit:
10 Base 5 connector kit
8-Port 100 Base switch hub H3-6703
10 / 100 BaseT cable
Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS):
System: H9-1241 / H3-71091
Photoelectric smoke sensor
Additional EMO switch
Extender card
Standard accessories
(4) Cables duct A H9-9268
(2) Temporary TH stands
(2) Mother boards
SEMI S2-93
Additional EMO switch
2000-2001 vintage.
ADVANTEST T 5371是IC等电子产品的最终测试设备。它旨在为其测试的产品指定可靠的质量等级。该系统能够快速准确地识别被测设备中可能存在的任何缺陷。该设备还可以测试产品是否符合一组预定的规格,称为"黄金样品"。这样可以确保客户和制造商对产品的性能有相同的期望。ADVANTEST T5371基于最新的测试技术,其硬件和软件可提供快速可靠的结果。该机器采用多端口适配器体系结构,允许同时测试多个独立设备,从而大大缩短了测试时间。每个测试头都配备了各种测试功能和诊断,使该工具能够快速准确地识别潜在问题。T 5371资产还能够执行广泛的测试,包括:温度稳定性、ESD检查、当前参考、电源、模拟定时和数字硬件测试。它还可以为每个测试模块生成测试引脚故障并通过指示性报告。此外,集成的故障诊断功能使它能够在间歇性故障成为灾难性故障之前对其进行诊断。该模型还采用了综合软件套件来控制设备,配置测试参数,分析数据,并报告结果。这个通用软件包允许操作员定义测试需求,并实时修改测试过程。软件还允许用户记录测试结果以进行回顾性分析或校准/维护活动。总之,T5371是一个强大而可靠的测试系统,旨在确保可靠和准确的测试结果。它能够在人工测试所需时间的一小部分内提供准确的测试结果,同时还提供全面的诊断和校准功能。通用软件包易于使用,使操作员能够及时定制和执行符合其确切要求的测试。