二手 SPIRENT SPT-9000A #9220890 待售

ID: 9220890
Test center
CTL-9002A Controller
(12) Slots
Supporting up to 144 gigabit ethernet ports
24-Ports 10 GbE
24-Ports UniPHY/WAN
Large form factor modules natively
Small form factor modules using ACC-2090B carrier card
9U Chassis
With (12) test module capacity
Supports up to 96 10/100/1000 Mbps ethernet ports
96-Ports gigabit ethernet
144-Ports dual media gigabit ethernet
24-Ports 10GbE
24-Ports UniPHY
24-Ports WAN
Built-in module locking security mechanism
Vertical module slot orientation
BTU Requirements:
(2) Power supplies: 10,000 BTU/h
(3) Power supplies: 15,000 BTU/h
Redundant power supply option: Hot swappable third power supply
Removable fan tray
Operating environment:
59° to 104° F (15° to 35° C)
20 to 80% Humidity
6" Space for unimpeded airflow
Front panel LCD:
Scrolls and displays configured:
IP Address
Front panel LEDs:
Over temperature
Back panel LEDs:
Activity / Collision
Link / Error
10/100 Mbps
1000 Mbps
Ethernet connection:
(2) 10 Base-T connectors 10/100/1000 Mbps (Half/full duplex in 10/100 mode)
(2) DB9 Serial console
RJ-45 Expansion in/out connectors
RJ-45 BITS Clock connector
Connectors: Attached external GPS/CDMA receiver
(2) Power supplies:
Inlet AC requirement (2) 115 V at 15 A (3450 W AC Nominal) circuits
Output DC power of 1200 W per power supply or 2400 W
(3) Power supplies:
Inlet AC requirement (3) 120V/15A (5175 W AC Nominal) circuits
Output DC power: 1200 W per Power supply or 2400 W
(3) Power supplies required: 14/UniPHY/WAN ports
Power: 100-240 VAC
115 or 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz (Nominal)
With (2) 1200 watt power supplies (Standard).
SPIRENT SPT-9000A Final Test Equipment是一个全面的自动化测试平台,旨在简化和简化Internet协议(IP)应用程序、网络和服务的端到端连接测试。由领先的IP和连接测试解决方桉提供商SPIRENT Communications开发,SPT-9000A提供了全面测试和验证IP网络网络性能所需的所有工具,包括第2层和第3层连接。SPIRENT SPT-9000A由几个模块和组件组成,这些模块和组件旨在测量和报告性能数据,并提供诊断和故障排除功能。测试系统的主要组件包括一个SPIRENT TestCenter平台(机箱)、两个SPIRENT TestCenter测试模块(Stimulus and Evaluation)和SPIRENT TestCORE测试软件。SPIRENT TestCenter机箱包含设备的组件。它是一个可靠的全自动测试机平台,支持高达8 x Gb的以太网端口,链路速度高达10 Gb/s。通过其模块化体系结构,机箱可以配置其他组件,如SPIRENT TestCenter MACSec和Advanced Ethernet测试模块或SPIRENT TestCORE光纤通道测试模块,以支持其他测试功能。两个SPIRENT TestCenter测试模块包含用于生成和接收流量的主要组件。Stimulus和Evaluation测试模块的组合提供了一整套连接和性能测试功能,包括简单的脚本语言支持、动态IP寻址以及自定义流量模式和创建自定义处理流的能力。SPIRENT TestCORE测试软件通过将测试模块中的数据转换为有意义的见解,提供了对网络性能的必要洞察。它提供高级分析工具、实时监控、详细统计信息、性能报告和易于使用的可视化界面等功能,以帮助识别和隔离问题。SPT-9000A是简化实验室和现场环境中IP网络测试的宝贵工具。其全面的功能集确保测试和验证整个IP连接工具的性能。此外,还可以轻松地重新配置组件,以便在需要时修改资产的功能。利用SPIRENT SPT-9000A,客户可以有效地确保可靠和高性能的IP网络。