二手 TERADYNE UltraFlex #9074268 待售
ID: 9074268
Test systems
24 Slots
Channels: 128
(6) Boards
(768) Total
License: Pins: 128
(6) Board: 128 VM / Scan (2 Board)
(2) Board: 200 Mbps
(4) Board: 800 Mbps
Pin Count: 128, Single Ended: 128, Differential: 64
Max Data Rates: 250/500/800 Mbps
Pattern Modes: Single / Single2X / Dual / Dual 2X
Pattern Depth: 64 / 128 / 256M
Data Source: Pattern
Digital Source: One Digital Source per 64 pins
Digital Capture: 8 Digital Capture per 64 pins
Scan: 64 scan chains
PPMU: Per Pin
Time Sets: 64 (Single Mode) / 16 (Dual Mode)
Voltage Range: -1V to 6V with 1mV Resolution
High Voltage: 0V to 13V
Loads: Active Current (+/- 20mA)
Data Timing Accuracy: +/-150ps (standard), +/-80ps(Enhanced)
Timing Measure: Application
Channels: 8(Tx+Rx)
(2) Boards
(16) Total
License: 16 Port
(2) Board: 256M VM / Jitter insert and measure
(2) Board: 6.4 Gbps
Frequency: 33Mbps -6.4Gbps
Time domains per instrument: 1
Levels: AC/DC Coupling, No Peaking
Pattern Depth: Depth Drive/Compare/Capture: 256M, OOB: Per 32 bits, Masking: per 1 bit
Receive-align: Tracking, 10B Align, 20B Match + Disparity
PRBS Hardware: 2^15-1 , 2^23-1 , 2^31-1
Timing Parametric: Jitter Measure, Eye Measure, Jitter Insertion Per Board
Protocol Aware: Receive-align, Signature-compare
Out of Band Signaling: Yes
PPMU Current Range: 200uA, 2mA, 50mA
Channels: 48, 2 Quadrant VS
(1) Boards
(48) Total
License: VS
(1) Board: 48 Channels
(1) Board: 20 Channels
Voltage Output: 0 to 7V
Voltage Accuracy: 0.1%+10mV
Current Output: 1A at 7V
Merging: 4A at 7V
Source/Capture: Capture
Channels: 20, 4 Quadrant V/I
(1) Board
(20) Total
License: V/I
(1) Board: 20 Channels
Voltage Output: + / - 30V
Voltage Accuracy:
V range=0.5V ,0.05%+0.9mV
V range=1V ,0.05%+1.0mV
V range=2V ,0.05%+1.2mV
V range=5V ,0.05%+1.6mV
V range=10V ,0.05%+2.6mV
V range=20V ,0.05%+5.0mV
V range=30V ,0.05%+8.0mV
Current Output: 200mA at 10V, 100mA at 30V
Merging: 400mA at 10V, 200mA at 28V
Source/Capture: Source / Capture
Channels: 4
(1) Board
(4) Total
License: 2 Src / 2 Cap
(1) Board: 3 MHz 2 Src / 2 Cap
Source: 2
Capture: 2
Analog Bandwidth: 15MHz
Source min - max sample rate: 5K -1 GSPS
Capture min - max sample rate: 5K - 50MSPS
Time Measure Unit: NO
Channels: 4
(1) Board
(4) Total
License: 2 Src / 2 Cap
(1) Board: Video 2 Src / 2 Cap
Source: 2
Capture: 2
Analog Bandwidth: 160MHz
Source min - max sample rate: 400MSPS
Capture min - max sample rate: 80-125MSPS
Time Measure Unit: 1
Backup – License
Data rate (Mbps): 50,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800, TLI License 200,800, Note: 200(2 Board), 800(4 Board)
Memory Depth (VM): 8,16,32,64,128,256, TLI License 128
DSSC: Per Board off
SCAN: Per Board Enable
MTO: Per Board off, Note: Memory Test Option
High Voltage: Per Board off
Differential mode: Per Board off
SB6G: Data Rate (Mbps), 3200,6400, TLI License: 6400
HDVS: Number of channel 1-48, TLI License: 48
DC30: None-20
BBAC: Source and Capture (Number of channel, Bandwidth) 3Mhz or 15Mhz, 2 Channels, 3Mhz
VHFAC: Source and Capture (Number of channel, Sampling rate), 100Msps (Video), 400Msps (High Speed), 2 Channels 100Msps (Source), 2 Channels 80Msps (Capture)
DPS core: DPS processing core, 4/8 core, TLI License: 8 core
2010 vintage.
TERADYNE UltraFlex是一款高性能、多功能的最终测试设备,旨在精确测试各种组件和系统。该系统采用了完全集成的硬件和软件平台,使生产效率提高了四倍。使用密集阵列互连底板,TERADYNE ULTRA FLEX可以适应多个I/O设备并同时访问设备信息。这种独特的设置允许更快的周转时间并降低测试复杂性。多功能处理程序(MFH)是机器的核心,允许将各种测试设备放置在单个位置。MFH与UltraFlex完全集成,能够从一个单元控制所有操作。它还能够在多个DUT板上同时执行测试,提供快速收集的测试数据。该工具包括一个行业标准接口(ISI),它有助于集成到现有基础架构中。这有助于提高资产的可扩展性,确保对工作流的中断最小。此外,它还支持轻松快速的背板加载,从而实现了更快的设置和配置。就其技术而言,ULTRA FLEX具有先进的测试体系结构。这样可以更快、更准确地收集数据,提高可追踪性,并确保产量高。它还有助于减少测试周期完成所需的时间并提高吞吐量。TERADYNE UltraFlex具有多种其他功能和优势。其最短的设置时间使产品上市的时间更快、测试的准确性更高,而且无需手动干预、事件检测功能和高效的信号完整性。这种特性的结合导致了可靠的测试和测量模型,使生产率和产量最大化。为了支持这些功能,TERADYNE ULTRA FLEX附带了多种捆绑软件,旨在帮助进一步优化性能。为了确保稳定的工作环境,UltraFlex内置了监控温度、电源和其他环境条件的设施。此外,它还提供了广泛的报告功能,旨在提供全面的数据分析。总体而言,ULTRA FLEX是一款先进的多功能设备,可为最终测试提供全面的解决方桉。TERADYNE UltraFlex结合了高性能硬件和软件功能,提高了生产效率,同时减少了周转时间和测试复杂性。它具有可靠性和可扩展性,是那些希望从测试过程中获得最大结果的人的理想系统。