二手 OSAI 304 Modula 16x #9200144 待售


304 Modula 16x
ID: 9200144
优质的: 2016
Neohandler Racks for temperature control Pressure controller Humidifier Test handler for MEMS Neohandler modula configured: XY Axes based on linear motors: Up to 15 m/sec2 XY Axes control based on optical encoder: Repeatability better than ± 5 μm Heads Multi pick up tools with automatic position adjustment Top camera to read positions and 2D code Box for fail duts Test bay for multisocket Operator interface based on touch screen Specific handler: HW / SW Package Mechanical interface stand for socket board docking Heads predisposition for sensorized placement Remote control Tester integration kit: Tester and cables supplied by ZMDi Handler tester SW Protocol Stimulus: Calibration conditions: Thermo step provides the proper thermal stimulus to reach: 0°C First test 85°C Second test Socket integration Handling: Handling modules JEDEC Tray stack magazine loader for row line Tape and reel unloader for PASS device NeoHandler machine: Total working area: Up to 350 x 300 mm Z Axis stroke: 100 mm Components feeder: JEDEC Stack tray magazine / T&R Unloader Man / Machine interface: PC With touch screen LCD monitor Axis: XY Linear motors with optical encoder Acceleration: Up to 15 m/sec° Speed: Up to 100 m/min Positioning repeatability: ± 5 μm Single axis Heads rotation speed: Up to 360°/sec Rotation head range: ± 5° Waffle tray binning: Up to (4) bins Each bin is a waffle 4” tray Up to 100 devices per waffle tray Includes: Retest possible by using a specific JEDEC Waffle tray adapter (4) Waffle trays Gas inlet management: The option includes a complete management Inlet port Valves Flow regulator Piping SW Management Options: Humidity generator integration Integration of a humidity generator capable: 50%RH ± 5% The integration includes: Humidity generator: 10 l/min Integration in the thermostep and gas management unit Water connection inlet SW Management Input: Automatic JEDEC tray loader Output: Tape / Reel Requested supply: Compressed air: (6) Bars min (100 L /min) Power supply voltage : 400 Vac (±10%) – 50 Hz 3 F+N (8,0 KVA) Pressure MEMS LGA 3x3 mm package 2016 vintage.
OSAI 304 Modula 16 x是一款先进的包装和处理机器人,旨在提高生产率,降低工业自动化过程中的成本。机器人具有高度移动性的16轴设计,最大有效载荷容量为30千克(66lbs),可达1200mm(47in)。机器人由一个车身、几个马达和一个控制器组成,该控制器管理马达命令以执行各种操作。它配备了符合IEC和ISO安全标准的最大安全套件,以保护人员和设备。机器人的设计也使得其力输出数据可以被监控,并且具有0.1mm(0.004英寸)的远距离精确运动的重复性。304 Modula 16 x专为高效处理、包装和分类操作而设计。它为不同的应用程序提供了多种机械手选项,使其能够有效地处理各种材料,包括重型零件、小型组件、托盘和容器。它可以被编程为将项目从一个地方传送到另一个地方,对它们进行排序和分离,并将它们移动到指定的位置。由于其精确度高,它能够将物品精确定位在密密麻麻的地方。此外,机器人还提供了多种用于监控、控制和优化生产力的传感器,如视觉系统、光帘、条形码扫描仪和RFID标签。由于易于更换的组件和灵活的编程选项,它能够执行各种任务。它还利用主动控制系统来维持潜在危险环境中的安全运行。总体而言,OSAI 304 Modula 16 x是一款功能强大且用途广泛的机器人,具有强大的移动性、灵活性、准确性和安全性。借助其各种连接臂、附件和工具,可以实现广泛的应用,使其能够在工业自动化过程中执行复杂的操作。