二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS xR80 Leap II #9329404 待售

ID: 9329404
晶圆大小: 8"
优质的: 2002
High current implanter, 8" Processor module Beamline module Source services module Processor rack Mobile PC and desktop Clean room PC Signal tower TEM Probe ISO TX Mains matching TX Beamline controllers PSU's and assy: Pre accel / Mag controller Beamline Inst Vacuum controller Turbo controllers Focus PSU Decel PSU A Mag PSU Pre A converter PSU Source mag PSU Suppression PSU Beam path components source / Extraction / Flight tube / MRS and PFS assy: Source head type: IHC Extraction type: Dual bellows Flight tube MRS Pre-defining PFS Type: HD Control system: MOTOROLA 68040 Series PC based operator interface Gas cabinet: SDS Module: AsH3 (SDS) / PH3 (SDS) / BF3 (SDS) / SDS Purge Module PSU's Controllers and assy: Gas and temperature controller Filament PSU Arc PSU Bias PSU DPS Pre A HV stack G2 PSU, 8" Source ISO TX Vacuum system: LEYBOLD 1000C Turbo pump LEYBOLD 361C MRS Turbo pump LEYBOLD Turbotronik NT20 Turbo pump controllers EDWARDS QDP40 Beamline dry pump CTI-CRYOGENICS OB -10 Side cryo pump CTI-CRYOGENICS OB -10 Rear cryo pump CTI-CRYOGENICS 9600 Side cryo compressor, 220 V CTI-CRYOGENICS 9600 Rear cryo compressor, 220 V Processor PSU's controller and assy: Wheel and components Spin motor Gripper Transfer arm Clip actuator Blade A/B Sensor Tilt assy, 0-7° PFS DP Box Beam stop Beam profiler Filament PSU (PFS) Wafer loader: Carousel Indexer W/L Door Oriented Cassettes / Trays: (3) Trays Arm servo PSU Arm servo controller Control Rack: DAQ PDU Option chassis Target system installer W/L Controller W/L Vacuum Ground PDU Target system vacuum Spin / Scan controller Direct drive interface Plasma flood chassis Amp scanner Amp spinner Spin / Scan PDU Bleed resistor VME: CPU Main board Loop controller Tetrode source head 80 keV Stack with resistors on top G2 Power supply side of gas cabinet G2 Resistor next to source head Source transformer ISO Transformer W/L area Larger beam / Stop Decal chassis under B/line HD PFS Operating system: Windows NT 2002 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS xR80 Leap II是一种预制的离子植入器和监测器。这件设备是专门为植入和监测非常小的基材尺寸而设计的,例如半导体制造中使用的晶圆芯片。Leap II能够进行高通量植入和实时监控。Leap II的主要特点是能够与各种植入物气体和掺杂物质一起操作。利用xR80平台,Leap II能够在低至-100 °C的温度下精确植入。它具有高达800 keV的能量范围,可以更好地控制植入过程。此外,Leap II还具有非常高效的机械冷却设备,可实现更快的热身和冷却时间。这样可以缩短周期时间和提高流程效率。The Leap II also features a high-resolution digital imaging system to perform inline substrate imaging to确保植入的精确度。该单元使用CCD相机捕获基板的高分辨率数字图像,允许精确的过程控制。这台监控机器为流程优化提供实时反馈。Leap II有一个先进的晶圆监控工具,它结合了先进的机械、光学和电气元件,在植入过程中提供各种参数的精确测量。此监视资产可以检测潜在的错误并帮助防止其发生。Leap II独特的xR80平台也有集成的控制软件,提供增强的过程跟踪和控制。此软件可实现更好的流程优化和流程跟踪,并可针对特定流程或应用程序需求进行定制。除了高性能的waft分析和过程控制系统外,Leap II还为自动化安装配备了高端机器人模型。这种机器人设备甚至可以用来执行最复杂的安装,允许进一步的过程控制和提高效率。总体而言,AMAT xR80 Leap II是一种功能强大的预制离子植入器和监控器,可提供高效的植入和实时基板分析。其先进的控制软件允许流程可追踪性和集成机器人系统提供自动化安装。这个单元是完美的半导体芯片制造商寻找高效和精确的植入。