二手 VARIAN VIISta 3000HP #9203292 待售
ID: 9203292
晶圆大小: 12"
优质的: 2005
High energy implanter, 12"
Energy range: 10 keV to 3750 keV
Voltage divider
Base system
Power Distribution: 60 Hz
Solid state: 0.75 MV D.C.Tandetron(TM)
Accelerator provides:
High output tandem NSI power supply
ASME/TUV Certified accelerator pressure vessel
VIISta single wafer processing end station with integral orientation control 0º- 360º at +/-1º accuracy
Precise control of tilt angle combined with fast recipe controlled stepped tilt modes up to +/- 60º at
An accuracy of +/- 0.1º
Gas cooled electro-static platen
Vertical scanning using linear servo motor driven
Industrial air bearing
Dual wafer capacity: 25
Polished load-locks with independent vacuum control
Load lock: 300 mm
Automatic pumping system includes:
VARIAN Triscroll 300 dry pump for the air-bearing differential seals stage One
Diaphragm roughing pump for the air bearing differential seals stage two
Venturi pump for the air-bearing differential seals stage three
(5) HELIX cryo pumps
(3)400mm HELIX standard capacity cryo pumps on the process chambers
(2) 250F HELIX high capacity cryo pumps located on beamline
(2) PFEIFFER TMH-261 turbomolecular pumps for the end station load locks
Turbomolecular pumping system consisting of:
PFEIFFER TPH 2101 for the source
(2) PFEIFFER TPH 2101 Pumps for the beamline locations
Remote pump kit:
To locate two cryo compressors
DI water system
Remote power distribution system includes
Standard and included in base system: 15 meters
Base system does not include roughing pumps
VARIAN VIISta control system
Microsoft windows NT(TM)/Windows 2000(TM)
Multitasking operating system
Next generation software control system monitoring over 3500 implant
Equipment parameters for optimal system performance
Automatic recipe set-up
Production scheduling
WIP Tracking
System diagnostics
Single wafer data logging
SECS / GEM Compliant
Multilevel password protected security system
SPC Capability
Small WIP buffer with 4 load ports
Toxic gas box including:
Standard inert gas module
Exhaust connections from the top
(3) Standard process gas modules
(3) manometers
(2) exhausts
(5) Gas modules plus Inerts
(3) Plus Inerts are supplied as standard
Long life indirectly heated cathode ion source
Differentially pumped ion source chamber
System S2-93
CE Compliance
High voltage warning displays
3 Locations
System signal tower
(3) Lights:
Un-interruptible power supply (UPS) to support control system
EMO Interlocked vesda smoke detection system
Source exhaust flow interlock
Integrated weight handling tools
EMO Safety interlock
Lead floor not required
Required selects
Standard power kit: UES
Standard frequency kit: 60 Hz
Facilities from top
Signal tower: 3 Light standard RYG
Standard gas box internal process / External purge
Gas box exhaust from the top
HP Ar / N2 DISS 718
SDS PH3 VCR 1/2"
SDS AsH3 VCR 1/2"
Standard on tool chiller
Phase 2 IHC source without vaporizer
HELIX standard cryo kit: 400
Standard polyflow cryo exhaust
Customer supplied pumps to VSEA - Edwards iH-80
VSEA Supplied pfeiffer turbo pump kit
Load lock vent standard finish
Vent connection standard finish
High voltage warning display
Remote connection kit standard cryos: 15 Meters
gauges 0: 1kPa
Monitors exhaust pressure of the main gas box
Source shroud
Rough pump
Standard UPS
V3000 Factory automation kit: Micron
Includes indicator control kit
Hermos integration kit
Hokuyu E20000323 x 4
Vacuum connections from the bottom
Thru-beam wafer mapping
Installed Options:
Wafer viewing and wafer Id
SW - SEMI E58 ARAMS compliance
Graphite kit metals reduction
Service monitor PC
Modification in 2009:
V-Mask II upgrade kit
Roplat: 300MM
NCS Computer kit
Modification in 2013:
VIISta 3000 S/N ES154017 upgrade
E11451460 2Ghz Control system
Dose controller eprom kit for medium current implanters
E11408090 for EHP dose contrllers
E11436450 for XP/XPT
Dose controllers reference PSB3312L EHP dose contrllrs
PSB3651-XP/XPT dose contrllrs
2005 vintage.
VARIAN VIISta 3000HP是一种先进的离子植入器设备,用于半导体晶圆或玻璃等基板中离子的植入和分析。该系统由几个组件组成,使其能够高精度运行。VARIAN VIISTA 3000 HP束线从离子源开始,在离子源产生、操纵和聚焦离子束。离子源既可以是金属蒸发器,也可以是金属氧化物源,例如钛、锌,也可以是移场离子枪。在形成初始光束后,光束线随后穿过光束光学元件,包括质量分析仪和最终孔径,以控制光束并调节能量。VIISta 3000HP包括各种分析和植入室。分析室允许同位素分离,而真空相容的植入室允许将离子植入底物和监测剂量均匀性。在该单元中发现的其他特征包括一个健壮的电容或电感耦合等离子体(CPI)源,它确保稳定和快速的植入,同时还允许低能量和单离子植入能力。VIISTA 3000 HP还配备了全方位的外围设备,包括1kV安装、四通道波束电流变压器、节气门和离子电流监视器。它还包括一个全自动的机器人样机。所有这些组件协同工作,以确保可重复和准确的植入性能。VARIAN VIISta 3000HP位于植入技术的最前沿,允许精确的掺杂物控制与用户友好和灵活的机器能力。这台先进的机器提供低能量的高性能植入,在保持高植入率的同时最大限度地减少离子轰击造成的伤害。它还具有高级控制工具,为自动化流程提供用户可编程配方和参数设置。通过利用最新技术,VARIAN VIISTA 3000 HP提供了最可靠和一致的植入系统之一。