二手 GATAN 697 #9202471 待售


ID: 9202471
Precision ion polishing system Ilion II system Broad beam argon milling system Whisperlok system: Ability to load / Unload samples Milling angle: +/- 10 degrees Milling rate on silicon at 8.0kV: 300um/hr Low energy focusing penning ion guns Variable energy: 0.1 to 8.0kV Ion source: Ion guns: Two penning with rare earth magnets Milling angle: +10 to -10° Ion beam energy: 0.1 - 8.0kV Ion current density peak: 10(A/cm²) Beam diameter: Adjustable using gas flow controller / Discharge voltage Specimen stage: Mounting: i=Ilion patented blaae Rotation: 0.5-6.0 RPM Beam modulation: Single / Double with adjustable range / No modulation Vacuum: Dry pumping system: Two stages diaphragm pump backing a 80L/s turbo drag pump Pressure (torr): Base: 5 x 10^-6 Operating: 8 x 10^-5 Vacuum gauge: Cold cathode type Specimen airlock: Whisperlok, specimen exchange time <1 min User interface: 10" Color touch screen: Simple operation with complete control / Recipe operation Options: Certain llion+ II models includes Llion+ II digital zoom microscope: Microscope assembly Digital camera with USB cable / Trigger cable Imaging PC Ethernet cable USB Cable connected to the camera Power consumption (W): During operation: 200 Guns off: 100 Argon gas: 25 psi Power requirements: 100/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Manuals included.
GATAN 697是由GATAN公司开发的离子铣削设备。该系统旨在在包括半导体、金属、陶瓷和聚合物在内的多种基板上加工微米级特性。它使用高能离子束以精确、受控的方式将材料从基板上磨掉。697利用高通量离子源、准直单元、光束消烧机、离子提取透镜产生聚焦、高能离子束。然后将离子束引导到基板表面,产生各种过程,如蚀刻、烧蚀、溅射或沉积。离子束可以精确编程,以磨削微尺度特征和结构在基板上。GATAN 697由一个称为GATAN Control的独特软件包控制。此软件允许用户对工具进行编程,以使其以任何所需的角度或模式研磨任何基材。它允许精确控制离子束,从而对复杂的结构和形状进行精确和可重复的加工。697设计有稳健的安全措施。这些特性包括当离子束上升到危险水平时会激活的自动关闭资产,以及由于机械故障而自动关闭。GATAN 697是用于研究和生产应用的基板微米级加工的理想选择。它提供了高精度的,可重复的结果,最小的磨损和撕裂的离子源和组件。该模型是在各种基板上产生微米尺度特征的可靠、经济的方法。