二手 LEICA REICHERT ST5010 #175239 待售
ID: 175239
Staining system, XL
Continuous loading - can load up to 11 racks (with 30 slides per rack) while processing
Can stain over 150 slides per hour with typical H&E protocols
Simultaneous staining of several different protocols - can select any compatible program for each rack
Self contained fume control with replaceable filter
Easy to operate, compact design
PC access for fault diagnosis
Stain up to 200 slides per hour
Easy to use menu-driven and microprocessor controlled
15 programs can be stored in memory each with up to 25 steps.
18 reagent stations, 5 wash stations, and an integrated forced hot air oven that significantly reduces slide drying time.
Staining programs can be terminated at any reagent and racks can be removed prior to completion of the staining protocol
Autostainer will not start a stain protocol that it is incompatible with another stain protocol already in progress
Programming flexibility: stain protocol may begin or end in any station and move in any station sequence that maximizes utilization of the instrument
Water saving feature, which stops the flow of water, if none of the wash stations is in use
Fume containment hood and internal extraction fan with integral charcoal filter removes hazardous fumes
PC access for fault diagnosis by service engineer.
LEICA REICHERT ST5010是一种高效、可靠、紧凑的实验室设备,专门为低功耗样品的制备和可视化而设计。其特殊的光学设计有助于检测甚至最微小的细节。这款高度通用的显微镜配备了5.0百万像素摄像头、亮场/暗场LED阵列、专业的机动化物镜,甚至更大的视野。ST5010具有三级放大倍率以实现最高效率。其5.0百万像素相机采用1/2.8英寸CMOS传感器,提供与专业相机相媲美的高分辨率图像。LED阵列由低功耗LED、高功耗LED和荧光LED组成,允许用户区分各种样品类型。专业的机动化物镜具有高精度、长使用寿命的特点,其广阔的视野使其非常适合进行全面的样本观测和分析。机动焦点运行平稳,几乎没有振动和高速跟踪,允许精确控制。机动聚焦还提供了广泛的放大倍数,使用户可以为自己的任务找到合适的放大倍数等级。LEICA REICHERT ST5010既节能又方便用户。它利用交流电源和集成的电容式触摸板,以及用于远程控制和监控的直观界面。显微镜还具有连接式Wi-Fi和RS-232兼容性,允许用户从任何地方访问和管理他们的数据。ST5010是法医学、生物学、化学、生物化学等领域专业人员的理想工具。凭借其强大、精确、可靠的功能,这款显微镜保证为用户提供精确、精确的结果。