
ID: 67971
The Microferm is a bench-scale fermentor designed for mass cultivation of microorganisms in batch fermentation and continuous culture, This research apparatus is fully instrumented for monitoring and controlling temperature, rate of agitation and aeration.
Cells are cultivated in a stirred Pyrex glass fermentor fabricated for repeated autoclaving. The vessel rests on a head adapter plate so that a single MicroFerm assembly can accommodate all available fermentor vessel sizes up to 14 liters when the appropriate adapter is employed. A quick-disconnect drive coupling with twist-lock design simplifies removal of the fermentor.
In MF units the impeller shaft of the conventional mechanically coupled fermentor vessel is supported by two stainless steel ball bearings mounted within a housing sealed top and bottom, which is press fitted to the head plate. A lapped mechanical seal at the lower end of the housing prevents transfer of lubricant or fermentation broth, with resultant contamination, from housing to fermentor or vice versa.
Efficient agitation is achieved by ijpellers with flat stirring paddles and by four vertical baffles. The culture medium is agitated in a radical pattern, achieving uniform dispersion of constituents. Since the impellers are removable they can be positioned for different working volumes if desired.
Reproducible agitation is attained by means of a precision drive mechanism with a solid-state speed controller. The drive is quiet and provides constant speed over a wide range. Impeller speed is closely regulated by an electronic feed-back system which sompensates automatically for normal voltage fluctuations and viscosity changes in the culture medium. Agitation is continuously monitored on a calibrated electrical tachometer which provides accurate speed indication.
Air or other gas is metered through a pressure regulator, needle valve, flowmeter and a stainless steel, glass wool packed filter. Sterile gas is fed through a sparger line with a single orifice. The orifice fitting is removable and can be replaced with an accessory ring sparger or sintered disc sparger. To minimize liquid loss and evaporation of the culture medium, effluent gas is passed through a small, water-cooled exhaust gas condenser in the fermentor head plate. Here, vapor and aerosols are condensed and returned to the culture as the gas passes through the exhaust filter.
Close thermal regulation is achieved by a temperature controller that energizes an in-line immersion heater in the water circulation circuit or a solenoid valve in the cold water inlet line. Temperature fluctuations are avoided by conditioning the recirculating water before it passes through the hollow baffles. This mixing of cool and warm water in the circulating circuit, and the rapid flow through the baffles, prevents temperature surges and increases control accuracy.
Unit contains:
Dual vessel
Controls for: Power
Heat on
Cooling water
Unit has: Tachometer
Gas flow control.
20 Liter unit.
NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC MF214是一个顶级的实验室设备和附件,旨在为研究人员提供高效的样品准备和优异的结果。这种通用装置可用于一系列生化分离,如均质、洗涤剂破坏和水溶液/乙醇沉淀。MF214由优质不锈钢制成,坚固耐用,能抵抗大气腐蚀和强酸碱。车架和内部部件由铝和塑料制成,在保持强度和稳定性的同时最大限度地减轻重量。该设备还能很好地响应温度变化,无论外部温度如何,都能为用户提供可靠的结果。NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC MF214安装了一个具有高达七个速度设置的高级旋转搅拌器,使研究人员能够以一致和准确的方式进行均匀化和组织分解。该装置还装有强大的感应磁铁驱动系统和烧杯盖,以确保使用过程中的安全。还有一个远程控制面板,允许用户访问一系列参数,包括速度和启动/停止功能,同时监控他们实验的进度。MF214还具有高性能循环泵,能够同时运行多达七个功能,并且能够承受-20°C至+50°C的温度范围。泵的可变流量范围在0.5、1.5和4升/分钟之间,并且设计为允许精确和可重现的样品制备。最后,NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC MF214设计用于批量或连续的过程,这取决于实验。可移动的烧杯盖有一个特别设计的唇部,可以方便地附着和拆卸附件如管子和软管。这种灵活的设计使MF214成为许多实验室的理想选择。