二手 EPILOG LASER Legend 36EXT #9130862 待售


Legend 36EXT
ID: 9130862
Laser engraving / cutting / marking system Work area: 36" x 24" Wattage: 60-watt Maximum material thickness: 12" (305 mm) Maximum material thickness with table revmoved: 14" (355 mm) Laser Wattage: 30, 40, 50, 60, 75 or 120 watts Laser Source: state-of-the-art, digitally controlled, air-cooled CO2 laser tubes are fully modular, permanently aligned and field replaceable Intelligent Memory Buffer: store unlimited files up to 64 MB, rolling buffer allows files of any size to be engraved Permanent Job Save at the laser: store up to 10 jobs at the laser, each up to 2 MB in size Air Assist Laser Dashboard Red Dot Pointer Relocatable Home Operating Modes: optimized raster, vector or combined modes with engraving and cutting Motion control system: high-speed, continuous-loop, DC brushless servomotors using linear and rotary encoder technology X-Axis bearings: ground and polished stainless steel long-lasting bearings Print Interface: 10 base-T Ethernet or USB connection that compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7 Electrical Requirements: auto-switching power supply accommodates 110 to 240 volts, 50 or 60 Hz, single phase, 15 amp AC Super-silent cooling fans: 64 db (not available in 120 watt). Ventilation: External exhaust to the outside or internal filtration system required. There are two output ports, each 6" in diameter Laser system classification: Class 2 Laser Product, 1 mW CW maximum 600-700 nm.
EPILOG LASER TECH EPILOG LASER LEGEND 36EXT是一款激光凋刻切割设备,非常适合职场、内部推广部门、学校和小企业。它配备了一个36 "x 24"的凋刻和切割区域,以容纳更大的材料尺寸。激光系统采用高级激光管技术,其强大的60瓦CO2激光管允许高质量的切割和凋刻。Laser Legend拥有精确的凋刻能力,因为它的红点指示器能准确地照亮激光将在材料上发射的位置。这种激光器能够在很长一段时间内进行精确、错综复杂的切割,允许各种材料的复杂设计,如木材、丙烯酸、碳纤维、玻璃等等。其分辨率为0.001英寸(25.4微米),具有可调的速度和功率。它能够最大限度地减少材料受热影响的区域-减少凋刻材料所需的时间-并产生半色调效果。Laser Legend的高科技运动控制单元使用简单。Laser内置了用于作业的功能,并具有最少的操作员交互功能,允许更简单的设置和自动作业排队,以及直观的预览模式和作业运行对话。它包括空气辅助控制清洁边缘饰面与更少的再切削和更少的毛刺。Intuitive Camera Machine允许用户准确地看到激光在做什么。此工具允许在线轴或其他中断的情况下进行精确的激光放置和程序恢复。它易于操作,具有用户友好的界面和内置的作业编辑器,可用于快速的作业设置。激光还具有不锈钢传输功能,有助于确保精度。其他特点包括旋转凋刻附件,允许在圆柱形物体上凋刻。Laser Legend是一种可靠、可靠的资产,提供卓越的性能、精确度和可靠性。它在与奔腾兼容的PC上运行,其板载内存可提供扩展容量,并可通过增加硬盘驱动器或紧凑型闪存卡进行扩展。此外,它的模块化设计提供了方便的服务,最大限度地减少了停机时间。其耐用的设计也保证了操作的安全。凭借其灵活性,此模型可以处理随之而来的任何工作。