二手 GE PG6561B #155323 待售

ID: 155323
优质的: 1999
Cogeneration plant, 40 MW
Rated: 47,400 KVA, 13.8 KV
Power factor: .85
Hours: 7,400
Natural gas fuel
Multi-stage axial flow compressor
Compressor speed: 5,133 RPM
Modulated inlet guide vanes
(10) Chamber combustion system
On base natural gas combustion system with DLN combustors
Ignition system with spark plugs and UV flame detectors
Borescope openings for maintenance inspection
Vibration sensors seismic type for protection
Thermocouples on bearing drains
Inlet and exhaust plenums
Fire detcion by thermic detctors
Gas leak detection
Off-line compressor wet washing system
Auxiliary gearbox, flexible gear (oil filled) auxiliary coupling
Lubricating oil system:
Duplex oil filters
Single oil to water heat exchanger
Shaft driven main oil pump
Full flow AC motor driven auxiliary pump
Safe shutdown flow DC motor driven emergency oil pump
Oil reservoir
Starting and cool down system:
440V AC motor
Hydraulic torque converter
DC electro-hydraulic rotor turning device
Hydraulic oil system with:
Shaft driven hydraulic oil pump
Gas fuel system:
Combined stop and speed ratio control valve assembly
Gauges board panel
Generator compartment
Gas turbine generator control equipment:
SPEEDTRONIC Mark V turbine control panel
SPEEDTRONIC Mark V operator interface panel
Generator control and protection panel
Generator excitation and regulation panel
Unit AC/DC motor control center
Unit AC/DC subdistribution panel
125V DC unit battery with one (1) battery charger
Unit fire detection and protection panel
Marshalling panel
Off-base unit mechanical auxiliaries:
Inlet air system
Vertical exhaust system
Gas fuel off-base system
Distillate off-base system
Off-base cooling loop for gas turbine and generator cooling system
Fire protection for gas turbine generator
Oil mist eliminator with single extraction fan
Gas compartment ventilation unit
Gas turbine generator
Turbine control system and auxiliaries
Drawings, manuals and tools
60 Hz, 3 phase
1999 vintage.
GE PG6561B是一种机床,设计用于加工复杂的部件,特别是用于航空航天应用。该机专为高速操作而设计,能够加工直径达250毫米的部件,零件长度为250至406毫米。这允许工具用于各种零件几何和设计。该机由两个主轴组成,每个主轴都配有高速机电驱动系统。每个主轴都配有高精度的直驱电动机,以提高精度和刚度。传动系统与一系列高精度球杆齐头并进,既提供精确的线性运动,又提供精确的角度运动。该机器由钢基和功能齐全的控制面板构成,提供所有操作和编程功能。控制面板包括在手动操作和自动操作之间切换的功能,并具有一系列操作设置,以提供对加工任务的几乎全部控制。该机还包括一个冷却器/冷却器单元,以确保切削刀具或材料在操作过程中的高效冷却。机器上的主轴转速从12,000到37,000 RPM不等,而快速移动速度达到18M/min。此外,该机能够进行刚性攻击和轮廓化作业,并能够程式化进步的钻探作业和侦测障碍物。此外,PG6561B能够利用刀具路径优化。该机提供刀具路径优化辅助,以获得最佳曲面质量,从而在不牺牲精度的情况下创建平滑、精确的曲面。为此,可以调整一系列参数以接近每个加工过程的最佳解。GE PG6561B由于其开放式体系结构和模块化设计而易于维护和维护。机器与冷却剂、润滑剂和专用机液兼容,意味着用户可以根据正在加工的材料和零件的形状来调整机器的设置,机器还兼容一系列额外的部件,包括静态刀架、冷却剂系统和压力调节器。总体而言,PG6561B是一种先进的机床,专为任何尺寸和几何形状的元件进行高精度和高速加工而设计。该机器具有优化刀具路径的能力、与一系列流体的兼容性以及开放的体系结构,使其成为航空航天和其他需要高精度应用的理想解决方桉。