二手 HEIDELBERG Speedmaster XL 106-6+LX #9293642 待售

ID: 9293642
优质的: 2015
With 45 million impressions
Equipped with:
Prinect axis control integrated console with wall screen
XY Spectral adjustment from the console with closed loop
Inkstar fully automated ink metering system with CAN connection to the console
Combistar central re-circulation and refrigeration
Drystar IR drying module
Pre-set plus X2 delivery extension - non stop
Powderstar AP500 Anti offset system
Pre-set feeder
Non-stop with pull side lay and ultrasonic double sheet detection and pre-loader
Cleanstar powder extraction system
Staticstar anti static system in feeder and delivery with ionizer
Air transfer sheet travel control system
Cardboard kit sheet travel system
Autoplate advanced
Auto blanket and auto cylinder wash
Vario dampening
Chambered doctor blade anilox coater
Airstar pro air supply cabinet (Air cooled)
2015 vintage.
HEIDELBERG Speedmaster XL 106-6+LX是针对石版印刷优化的六色印刷机。它在性能和灵活性方面被认为是行业领导者。该机的最高打印速度为18000张/小时,是大批量打印应用的理想选择。印刷机的H-UV固化设备减少了成型准备时间,其Autoplate XL技术允许最多6个板的自动板过渡。这允许平滑和高效的颜色变化与最小的操作员干预。Quick Change System II还减少了就绪时间,并最大限度地减少了变更工作时的纸张浪费。印刷机有一个先进的色彩控制装置,每次都能保证色彩的活泼、准确.Speedmaster XL集成了智能对齐设备,可直接在印刷机上创建各层之间的精确寄存器。印刷机有一个同时着墨和阻尼机,以提高稳定性和印刷图像质量。大型送料机和送货机提供了更高的运行稳定性和集成的侧铺技术,以保持基板的直线性。该机还具有连续进料的自动不间断功能。印刷机的Auto Ink Roller Wash Tool能够进行可靠的洗涤,以加快可用性。先进的DryStar Compact 5干衣机加快了干燥过程,缩短了交货时间。Speedmaster XL 106-6+LX最低总重200公斤,尺寸为7200 x 2200 x 1846 mm,另外还有500 mm的机器配件。印刷机集成了材料浪费监控和智能控制器系统,与一系列行业标准油墨兼容。这种印刷机的设计满足了商业印刷机、印刷厂和出版商的所有需求。