二手 EVG / EV GROUP 620 #9227524 待售


ID: 9227524
晶圆大小: 6"
Mask aligner, 6" Top side alignment Large gap alignment Separation distance: 0-300 µm Wafer thickness: 0.1-10 mm Semi automatic loading With mechanical pre-alignment on chuck Storage rack: (5) Aligner tools PC Controlled environment Solid state drive Hard drive Graphical User Interface (GUI) User interface: Keyboard and monitor Large gap alignment: Lamp house: 350 W / 500 W / 1000 W Light integrator for lamp control Light uniformity: 100 mm: ± 2% 150 mm: ± 4% Optical set wavelength range: 350-450 nm Dielectric mirror Field lens, 6" Lamp: 500 W Manual filter changing unit Without filter / Carrier Filter carrier with manual filter changing unit: Carrier with narrow band filter: 365 nm (i-Line) UV Intensity meter without UV probe: Support use of UV probes (Simple PnP) No UV probe included UV Intensity meter probe Single channel probe: 365 nm Alignment stage with precision micrometers: Alignment in X, Y and Θ with micrometer spindles Motorized Z-axis Automatic wedge compensation system for print gap control Adjustable WEC and exposure contact force EVG Aligner microscope resolution factor -2 Digital signal processing Digital zoom capabilities Standard backside alignment: Crosshair and overlay processes Top side microscope: Motorized split field microscopes for alignment in visible light Anti vibration table: Adjustable height Plate natural stone Polished with (4) pneumatic cushions Central air supply (4) Pressure regulators For mounting of earthquake protection devices CCD Cameras: Top and bottom side Objective position storage Travel range of top side microscope: X: 30 (8) -150 mm Y: -70 / +70 mm Objective: 5x Mask holder: 7" x 7" Masks with loading frame Mask contact area: Hard coated and lapped surface finish Bottom loading system with automated vacuum transfer Exposure of wafers: Round opening UNIVERSAL Wafer chuck, 6" with spacers Wafer contact area: Hard coated and lapped surface finish With windows for bottom side alignment Integrated proximity spacers for wedge error compensation in wafer Vacuum contact with substrates up to 1.5 mm thickness.
EVG/EV GROUP 620是一种用于半导体器件制造中光刻工艺的口罩放置的口罩对齐器。先进的高精度对齐器旨在通过优化对齐精度来提高吞吐量和降低成本。EVG 620型号采用高速直驱运动设备,可将掩模和晶片定位在高达0.4毫米/秒的速度。该系统可提供高精度对准,正常运行时精度± 0.2 μ m。该单元还采用了最新的Deep UV多通道对准(DUV MCTM)技术,允许同时进行多层对准。EV GROUP 620模型的对准精度通过其先进的对准策略得到进一步维护。"自动对齐"功能可在几秒钟内检测微动误差,并自动纠正这些误差。"校准校准"功能利用晶圆高度传感器确认校准正确,并可以重新校准传感器机器以提高精度。620车型也得益于一系列安全特性。夹紧工具在对准过程中牢固地固定基板和掩模,闭环压力补偿器调整以最大化吞吐量,而不牺牲精度。此外,EVG/EV GROUP 620还包括一个能量屏蔽装置,在曝光时屏蔽基板和遮罩,以达到最高安全标准。综上所述,EVG 620型号是一种高精度的掩码对齐器,旨在最大程度地提高吞吐量并降低成本。它具有速度高达0.4毫米/秒的直接驱动运动资产、深紫外线多通道对准技术、先进的对准策略和附加的安全功能,提供了最高的准确性和安全性标准。