二手 EVG / EV GROUP 6200 Infinity #9189343 待售


ID: 9189343
Bond aligner, 8" Wafer to wafer aligner: Subsequent wafer bonding applications General: Software adjustable Wafer separation distance: 0 - 300 μm Wafer thickness: 0.1 - 4.4 mm Total stack thickness: 4.5 mm Semi automatic loading with mechanical prealignment Quick change of chuck Automatic pressure Vacuum transfer Alignment accuracy: ± 1μm High process objectives NRTL Listing mark: UL STD 61010A-1 Storage rack: (5) Aligner tools Software: MS-Windows PC Controlled operating environment Self explaining commands Remote diagnostics1 Software for bond alignment: Recipe parameters User guidance Optical alignment: (2) Wafers Silicon direct bonding (SDB) Substrate configurations: Si+Glass, Si+Si Subsequent anodic Thermo-compression Fusion bonding processes: EVG 500 series bond system Nanoalign technology package: High performance frame grabber running COGNEX PatMax vision software technology Increases EVG aligner microscope resolution: Factor ~2 Image quality: 100 % Digital signal processing Key identification feature: Multi layer alignment key design Scaled (Over / Under etched) alignment keys Enhanced digital zoom capabilities Crosshair mode: Standard backside alignment processes Alignment stage motorized: Alignment stage: X, Y, theta, Z Joystick alignment: Via (3) axes DC Motor controllers: Cursor key fine alignment Automatic wedge compensation system: Optimized print gap control WEC Contact force: 0.5 - 40 N adjustable Shift between mask and wafer: No Automatic alignment for top / bottom side: Vision system (Integrated in PC) Storage: Trained mask Substrate patterns on hard disk Software integrated in EVG 6200 computer controller Alignment marks: Top / Bottom side alignment Alignment results: Process conditions Material properties Bottom side microscope: Motorized splitfield microscopes Visible light with high resolution CCD cameras Digitized alignment keys (Mask) / Cross hair Travel range: X: 78 mm - 180 mm Y: ± 12 mm (2) Objectives: 5x (3.6x - 20x) Objective: 3.6x: Field of view per objective: ~ 1.5 mm x 1 mm Rack unit: Integrates EVG 6200 system Operating elements Monitor vibration isolated Prepared for robotic auto load system Bond tool universal, 8": Anodic Thermo compression Silicon direct bonding process Bond chuck with mechanical clamping Loading chuck Separation flags Currently warehoused 2008 vintage.
EVG/EV GROUP 6200 Infinity是一款掩模对齐器,旨在帮助以更高效的方式制造和分析复杂的微型光学设备。EVG 6200 Infinity将专利蒙版和晶片级与软件集成在一起,以创建高度可重复和精确的对齐过程。它由具有集成成像和自动化配方的全自动对齐系统组成,以帮助简化整个流程。EV GROUP 6200 Infinity具有先进的功能,例如优化了两个基板的定位,并具有顶部和底部成像功能,全面自动设置和执行各种过程,并能够创建各种成像系统。6200 Infinity提供精确的对齐方式,特别是在光学过程中。它在两个基板上对齐参考点,确保精确的配准和可重复性,即使结构较小或有多个方向。它还配备了一个获得专利的0.3微米分辨率对准设备和一个最先进的光学系统,该系统能够准确地检测亚微米特征,并显示单个或两个基板应用中的特征的精确对准。此外,EVG/EV GROUP 6200 Infinity提高了运行速度,使用户能够在最短的时间内生成过程中的优化数据。EVG 6200 Infinity在机组中央进一步配备晶圆夹头,即使在较高的温度条件下也能提供长期的稳定性。它还具有扩展的运动功能,允许定制所有运动轴,包括XYZ/V/Z、XYZ/ICH/DCN、XYZ/E/PN和XYZ/V/CN。此外,该机器还提供各种吞吐量优化程序,以适应高容量的产量,以及各种辅助技术,以进一步降低总体成本,同时提高准确性和可重复性。EV GROUP 6200 Infinity确实是一款现代化的蒙版对齐器,为用户提供精确、可重复的对齐能力,同时提高操作速度和准确性。这使得它成为创建复杂的微型光学设备的理想解决方桉,这些设备需要高精度和重复性。