二手 CEI Opt 653 #149295 待售

Opt 653
ID: 149295
Third optical inspection machine with auto conversion Package specification: Lead frame dimensions: Width: 20 mm - 90 mm Length: 140 mm - 280 mm Loading / unloading: Single magazine input / output Magazine Dimensions: 145 mm to 285 mm (Length) 25 mm to 95 mm (Width) 150 maximum (Height) Convertible magazine elevator system (programmable pitch) Motorized Frame pusher assembly with obstruction sensors Auto package conversion sensor controls to prevent damages to parts Workholder station: High accuracy Programmable X-Y table Device obstruction detector Pneumatic device gripper to inspection area Less than 5 minutes programming time (for pre-programmed package) X-Y index accuracy of ± 50um Manual and auto indexing capability Inspection System: Segmented inspection (up to 16) Option of performing sampling or 100% inspection Stereozoom microscope Strip mapping features with defect codes Software features: 100 Predefine reject coding GPPH, MTBA, MTTA report and SPC Lot report with strip map Reverse strip report useful for QA 5 Stage password protection Premapping software features Programmable strip movement during inspection Strip map color coding Segmented inspection (up to 16 segment) Controller: Microsoft Windows PC based control with UPS Facilities: Power supply: 110 VAC / 8 A, 230 VAC / 4A Air supply: 72.5 psi (5 bar), CDA.
CEI Opt 653是一种掩模和晶片检测设备,设计用于检测掩模和晶片基板上的缺陷和污染。由加州东部实验室开发的Opt 653通过其3-2-infinity光学器件和新的掩模检查算法,实现了自动检查和改善图像质量。该系统提供了完美的表面光洁度,完美无瑕的图像质量和尽可能高的缺陷分辨率。该装置可以检测不透明和透明的遮罩基板上的亚微米缺陷和表面污染。它使用光学字符识别算法来检测甚至晶圆和掩模表面上最精细的细节和不规则性。该机针对各种图像处理算法进行了优化,如嵴线特征定位和边缘增强。CEI Opt 653的硬件由五个主要部件组成--多通道高分辨率相机、变焦镜头和分束镜;三个固定大小的舞台位置;以及场效应晶体管(FET)检测器阵列。变焦镜头允许工具以绝对精度快速聚焦在特定的缺陷或物体上。FET检测器阵列提高了相机的分辨率,允许检测到非常小的缺陷。Opt 653启用了软件,具有预先设置的检查和过程配方,允许用户快速设置和运行扫描或检查。它还具有直观的用户界面,允许用户根据需要调整操作和设置。资产还提供对照明、聚焦和放大设置的完全控制,以及启动和停止检查过程的能力。为了获得更高精度和更准确的结果,用户可以从三种检查模式中进行选择:平面、接触和超限。CEI Opt 653与公司的OnDemand平台兼容,该平台支持数据捕获和报告以及远程查看和分析。该平台还允许用户回忆以前的扫描和检查、存档结果以及记录趋势。该型号具有47.2英寸的表格尺寸,能够处理圆形和方形遮罩基板。它还设计方便用户,为掩模和晶片检查提供快速、准确和可靠的解决方桉。