二手 KLA / TENCOR Surfscan SP2 #9228176 待售


ID: 9228176
优质的: 2006
Particle measurement system, 12" P/N: 0074965-000 Sensitivity modes includes: Standard throughput inspection mode High throughput inspection mode High sensitivity inspection mode Advanced illumination optics supports following mode: Normal illumination Oblique illumination Enables qualification of current and next-generation substrates: SOI Strained SOI Strained SI Optimized sensitivity Throughput: - < 37nm defect sensitivity on polished bare silicon Qualification and monitoring of process tools: 90, 65, & 45 nm technology nodes Components included: UV Laser Defect map and histogram with zoom Micro view measurement capability Surf image Real-time defect classification (RTDC) Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Book on board Operations manuals Puck handling: 300/200mm Equipped with powder coat painted panels Phoenix dual FIMS vacuum wafer handler, 12" (pp) Secondary UI for bulkhead installation Configured for MCCB (us/eu) power inlet Configured for IC/OEM mfg surf quality recipe Optical filter Enhanced XY coordinates: Standard classification LPD-N classification LPD-ES classification Grading and sorting 20 Degree 40 Degree Rough films Enabled: Haze Haze normalization Haze analysis Haze line classification IDM SP2 Edge exclusion: 2mm 4 Color light tower (RYGB) Gem/secs and HSMS E39 Object services: E40 Process job management E94 Control job management E90 Substrate tracking E87 Carrier management services (based on e39) Control jobs (E94 Based on E39) Substrate tracking (E90 Based on E39) (2) Advantage radio frequency (RF) carrier ID readers: Identifies name of carrier (FOUP) Intended for use with phoenix handler and isoport loadports Reader required for each FOUP loadport 2006 vintage.
KLA/TENCOR Surfscan SP2是一种为半导体制造行业设计的掩模和晶圆检测设备。该系统允许对集成电路等微电子器件生产的图像质量、图样保真度、深度缺陷检测等进行检测。它提供了无与伦比的成像速度和分辨率,以帮助确保产生最优质的蒙版和晶圆图像。KLA Surfscan SP2由一组先进的光学和高端探测器以及一个用于快速处理的高功率计算机单元提供动力。利用激光干涉共焦技术(LCT)捕获和分析亚像素大小的缺陷。该机还利用获得专利的3D扫描镜头和高清图像检测器,以提高检查的准确性。TENCOR SURFSCAN SP 2为多种晶圆材料如Al2O3、InP、SiGe等配备了一套校准标准。这有助于确保在检查过程中获得最佳成像结果。该工具还可以检测到口罩或晶片上的各种异常3 D模式,从而改进了对细微缺陷和变化的检测。KLA/TENCOR SURFSCAN SP2旨在提供全面的掩模和晶圆检测解决方桉。这包括能够检查低至0.12微米的Moire模式、fiducials、CD模式和微模式。所有这些特性都可以实时检查,不需要检查后分析。此外,该资产还可以检测氧化物和颗粒缺陷、变薄或增厚以及其他亚微米薄膜缺陷。进一步分析,TENCOR Surfscan SP2配备了大量的图像功能,包括放大镜、面积选择、变焦、导线迭加、轮廓测量等。它还包括一系列滤镜,例如颜色反转、时间戳、焦点级别和边缘检测。这些功能都是为了提高检查过程的准确性和速度而设计的。总体而言,Surfscan SP2是一种功能强大且可靠的半导体制造掩模和晶圆检测模型。它为广泛的图像分析和检测任务提供了业界领先的速度和分辨率,使其成为质量控制和生产优化的绝佳选择。