二手 NIKON OPTISTATION 7 #9234683 待售

ID: 9234683
晶圆大小: 12"
优质的: 2007
Wafer inspection system, 12"
Cassette type: FOUP 25 Wafer
Chuck materials: PEEK
Transfer robot
Optical system: BF/DF
Auto forces function
Remote operation: Magnification changer, BF/DF changer, AS, FS
Microscope stage pre-alignment accuracy:
Eccentricity: 3σ ≤ 35µm
Attitude angle: 3σ ≤ 2°
Optical system: Infinity optical
Objective lens: BF/DF Observed BD-PLM 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x
Eyepiece lens: CFUWN 10x (F.N.25)
Observation tube: Super wide field trinocular tilt observation tube UWTT
Eyepiece angle: 10° to 30°
Motorized revolving nosepiece: Quintuple for BF/DF
Microscope illumination: 12 V, 100 W Halogen lamp
Macro-inspection (2 Sec)
Cassette all point ≤ 6 min 30 sec
Micro-inspection (5-Points, per 1 sec) ≤ 10 min
Detective method: LED Illumination slit projection AF
Illumination source LED: Wavelength 770 nm
Observed method: BF/DF
Eyepiece lens: 10x-150x
X-Y Stage:
Observed area, 12"
θ Rotation: Rotating angle: 3.5°
Pre-alignment type: Non-contact pre-alignment
Eccentricity: 3σ ≤ 35µm (X,Y)
Attitude angle: 3σ ≤ 2°
Arm type: Belt drive
FOUP (Load port):
ASYST FL300S3 Side loading type port
SEMI (E-15-1) Standard
Alignment load wafer
Illumination source: LED 910 nm
Detector: Photo-transistor (PT)
Eccentricity: Macro-stage ≤ ± 1.5 mm
Macro stage
Surface macro
Auto drive
Tilt angle: Infinity
Speed: ≤ 15 RPM
Angle: -90° to -120°
Special halogen lamp L1L-100
Backside macro: 15 V, 100 W Halogen lamp (Fiber illumination type)
2007 vintage.
NIKON OPTISTATION 7是为需要高精度光学仪器和先进自动化能力的制造商而设计的高端、自动化的掩模和晶圆检测设备。该系统提供高分辨率成像和精确测量能力,主要侧重于缺陷检测、过程评估和产量预测。该装置具有先进的自动化阶段,便于装卸样品。它提供了四检测器配置-傅立叶、边缘、宽带轮廓和阴影检查-以确保检查过程中的最高精度和效率。它还具有一个用于高效图像处理和高性能分析的增强软件。NIKON OPTISTATION-7具有高达1600万像素摄像机的高光学分辨率和高达5133 dpi的图像分辨率,能够进行高度精确和精确的测量。机器还有一个可调LED照明工具,使它能够检查透明、衍射和扩散晶片样品。OPTISTATION 7采用了一套用户友好、直观的工具来简化检查过程。它允许用户自定义诸如曝光时间、光照强度、聚焦等参数,以确保每个样本都符合指定的标准。OPTISTATION-7还通过高级维护选项和通用编程API来保持最小的停机时间。该资产能够运行自动脚本以同时检查多达4个部件,并且可以通过网络接口与其他制造商的检查系统集成。NIKON OPTISTATION 7是一种用于平版印刷和工艺驱动缺陷的可靠仪器,使制造商能够自信地检查高端产品的可靠性能。凭借其用户友好的界面、先进的自动化功能和高分辨率成像技术,该模型一定能提供可靠、一致的结果。