二手 ATTO BIOSCIENCE Pathway HT #133210 待售

ID: 133210
优质的: 2005
Bioimager system Specifications: Optics: Proprietary, fully integrated optical design Selectable laser-based and / or camera-based autofocus Motionless stage handles 96 or 384-well plates, microscope slides and chamber slides X, Y resolution: 100 nm (mechanical) Z resolution: 50 nm (mechanical) Capture rate: 4 images per second Works with OLYMPUS 4X (air), 10X (air), 20X (air), 40X (air), and 60X (oil immersion) objectives Montage capability for large field imaging Automation ready (requires robotics integration package) Imaging modes: Confocal fluorescence, widefield fluorescence, brightfield Illumination sources: Dual metal halide with liquid light guide; single automated LED Confocal unit: Nipkow spinning disk Disk sampling rate: 1,000 fps Pinhole size: 70 uM Filter configurations: Excitation: 16 Dichroic: 5 Emission: 8 Automated control Independent operation Detection and observation: High resolution cooled CCD camera 12 bit, high QE, effective pixels 1344 x 1024, pixel size: 6.45 x 6.45 um Binocular eyepiece for direct sample viewing in confocal or widefield mode Liquid handling and environmental control: On-stage pipet head with single-position syringe (2 to 100 uL) Mixing capability (titration) Disposable pipet tips Environmental control (ambient to 38°C) and CO2 Software: Advanced imaging software with hardware auto-detection capabilities Automated focus and image acquisition Automated segmentation and region of interest (ROI) identification Interactive data and image navigation Concurrent multiple ratiometric dye kinetics (US Patent 5,332,905) Z sectioning and 3-D rendering Hierarchical data classification algorithm Data analysis module for Microsoft Excel Sophisticated data management Preconfigured and user-configurable applications Support for endpoint applications Support for kinetic applications BMP, TIFF (for image export), and TXT formats for data export Supports data export to FCS Computer (minimum specification): Pentium IV running Microsoft Windows XP Professional 4 GB RAM 256-MB video card 250-GB SATA hard drive 24 inch wide aspect ratio LCD flat panel display DVD burner Robotics integration package: Access door with safety light curtain: optional Software interface to multiple scheduling systems: optional Configuration: BD HT Base Optical Unit with Environmental Enclosure Vibration Dampening Table (Granite on Air) Spinning Disc Confocal High Resolution X, Y, Z Motors Dual HBO100W Mercury Lamps with Individual Power Supplies On-Stage Liquid Handling Single Nozzle Environmental Control Package Co2 and Temperature Binocular Viewing Port Pathway Electronic Control Unit 41-0001 AttoVision Acquisition Software Module 2 AttoVision Confocal 3D Reconstruction Software Module BD Date Image Explorer Software PC Workstation Olympus UAPO20X/340 Objective 90-0108 LCPLFL20X Objective Long Working Distance Lens 90-0103 4xUPLFL Working Distance 17mm, na 0.13 - 90-0104 10xUPLFL Working Distance 10mm, na 0.3 - 14-0075 40/340UAPO Working Distance 0.2mm, na 0.9 Operator's manuals Crated 2005 vintage.
ATTO BIOSCIENCE Pathway HT是一种高科技复合显微镜,旨在扩大科学家和研究人员的微观视野。它是具有高分辨率数码相机的最先进的成像系统。途径HT将传统复合显微镜的精度与现代成像技术相结合。相机提供了广泛的色彩范围,用户可以轻松放大到800倍并捕捉细节。相机的自动聚焦功能确保任何样品都能被清晰地观察到。4倍变焦和高分辨率滤镜可提高图像清晰度。ATTO BIOSCIENCE Pathway HT具有独特的自动快门功能,可以自动拍摄图像。快门非常适合需要快速准确地捕捉图像的用户。显微镜还包括一个内置光源,可以方便地照射样品。该仪器有一个专利的光学设计,允许广阔的视野。此功能对于使用移动或以其他方式快速变化的对象观察样本特别有用。此外,该设计还允许将图像轻松集成到3D映像模块中。除了功能外,Pathway HT还设计为用户友好。仪器基座坚固稳定,最大限度地降低了振动的可能性。ATTO BIOSCIENCE Pathway HT也是电池供电的,因此可以在偏远地区使用。通路HT显微镜是许多科学应用的重要工具。其高分辨率、宽视野、高放大倍率的结合,是探索生物化学微观尺度世界的理想之选。通过包括这些功能,研究人员可以获得以前看不见的对研究至关重要的细节。