二手 BAUSCH & LOMB Stereo Zoom 3 #45091 待售

ID: 45091
with eyepieces, stands, etc
All but one are zoom (0.7 - 3.0X)
The other is 2X fixed magnification
Have the focusing mounts for each scope (plus a couple extra)
Some of these are set up to allow rotation of the scope and some are fixed
Have 5 sets of B&L 15X oculars
There are 2 sets of Edmund Scientific 10X oculars
There are 3 sets of unbranded 10X oculars
There are 3 sets of B&L 10X oculars
There are 12 "doublers"
These are lenses that screw into the bottom of the scope that halve the magnification but double the working distance, All are from Edmund Scientific
Have some original B&L stands but not enough for every scope
Also have illuminators complete with transformers
Most items are over 20 years old
Also available for use with these scopes is a POLAROID MicroCam camera
Remove one of the oculars from the scope and insert the camera to take photos
It includes a power supply, manual, ocular adapter and a supply of Polaroid Type 337 film (over 140pcs).
BAUSCH&LOMB Stereo Zoom 3是一款高质量、先进的显微镜,非常适合科学和医学应用。它提供各种微观样本的清晰和详细的3D图像,使识别特征和模式变得更加容易。显微镜具有四个宽视场目镜,每个目镜的放大倍率为10倍,宽视场(FOV)为22mm。该目镜是屈光度可调,提供了一个舒适的观看体验,最小的眼睛拉伤。这种显微镜还具有两个提供4倍、10倍、40倍和100倍放大倍数的物镜。放大倍率范围随着1.6x和3.2x辅助镜头的加入而进一步增强。Stereo Zoom 3的放大范围从4倍到320倍。BAUSCH&LOMB Stereo Zoom 3还配备了一个双照明器,旨在提供入射和透射照明。入射光由卤素灯提供,而透射光则来自内置的LED光源。可以使用位于卤素灯旁边的旋钮调节入射光的亮度和角度。Stereo Zoom 3具有6英寸舞台,可轻松容纳并支持各种不同的样本大小和形状。金属级覆盖有不刮擦的金属级板,提供抗刮擦表面。该阶段还设有一个机械阶段,使样品的精确和易于移动进行检查。另外,显微镜还具有防尘屏蔽装置,有助于保护显微镜光学器件免受灰尘和其他小颗粒的侵袭。立体显微镜还具有粗细的聚焦调节和可调节的夹层间距离,提供了更大的聚焦和精度。而且,大而舒适的眼球可以让样品的观赏更加舒适。最后,BAUSCH&LOMB Stereo Zoom 3配备了多款增强用户体验的配件,如数码眼镜片、测量标线、5倍和12.5倍目镜等有用配件。总体而言,Stereo Zoom 3是各种应用程序的理想显微镜,为用户提供高分辨率3D图像。