二手 ZEISS Axiovert 100M #68093 待售

ID: 68093
Inverted Microscope for Nomarski DIC and Epi-Fluorescence
Axiovert 100 M motorized stand with 3 imaging ports, motorized nosepiece and filter changer, laser protection circuitry
TV adapter for Axiovert 100
Axiovert MOT control panel
Binocular eyepiece tube 45/20
E-Plan 10x/20 focusing eyepiece pair, reticle diam. 26 mm
Fluar 5x/0.25 brightfield objective, w.d. 12.5 mm.
Plan Neofluar 10x/0.30 Ph 1 objective, w.d. 5.6 mm.
LD-Achroplan 20x/0.40 Ph 2 Korr. (D=0-1.5), w.d. 10.9 mm.
DIC slider for LD Achroplan 20x/0.40
LD-Achroplan 40x/0.60 Korr. (D=0 - 2 mm.), w.d. 6.8 mm.
DIC slider for LD Achroplan 40x/0.60
LD Achroplan 63x/0.75 Phase 2 objective, Corr., w.d. 0-1.5 mm.
DIC slider for Plan-Neofluar 63x/0.75
LD condenser 0.55 H / Ph1 / Ph2 / DIC, w.d. 20 mm.
DIC condenser prism 0.3 - 0.4 for Axiovert 0.55 turret condenser
DIC condenser prism 0.5 -1.3 for Axiovert 0.55 turret condenser
Polarizer D with carrier, fixed
Illuminator carrier LSM 5 with safety contact, rack and pinion, tiltable
Lamp housing w/ collector and socket for 12 volt, 100 watt halogen
Mechanical stage 85x130 with mount frame
Universal mounting frame K
Epi-fluorescence equipment Axiovert, UV-Optimized
Reflector slider 3 for Axiovert 100/LSM
Lamphousing for HBO / XBO
Lamp socket for HBO 100 W/2
3 lens collector
Osram HG 100 watt DC mercury burner (2)
Digital power supply for HBO 100 / XBO 75 DC burners
Heat reflecting filter, 42 mm. diam.
Stabilized power supply 12 volt, 100 watt
Halogen bulbs, 12 volt, 100 watt (2 @ 15.00 ea.)
Power cable, right angle
The three installed filter sets are of undetermined and unmarked wavelengths and will be replaced on your notification by known sets, pursuant to application requirements.
Camera, computer, and image analysis software at the user’s discretion. Additional optional water immersion, multi-immersion and planapochromatic objectives in stock, as well as motorized scanning stages and video and digital camera adapters.
ZEISS Axiovert 100 M是一种倒显微镜,设计用于在任何实验室环境中提供高质量的成像和样品操纵能力。配备了人体工程学设计和先进技术的结合,能够产生像单个细胞一样薄的标本的超高分辨率图像。Axiovert 100 M拥有先进的光学系统,包括具有高数值孔径和长工作距离的目标、消色差冷凝器、光学滤光片和无穷大校正光学器件的独特组合。该设备还具有符合人体工程学的设计,使用户能够直观地调整观测位置和光路。ZEISS Axiovert 100 M具有用户友好的控件和LED显示屏,可确保精确操纵标本位置。Axiovert 100 M的设计旨在促进光场和荧光成像技术。其电动滤波器车轮可实现快速滤波器更换,而其AVI摄像机可提供出色的色彩渲染和实时成像。通过内置数字I/O端口,该设备允许连接到外围设备以用于高级映像应用程序。蔡司Axiovert 100 M提供从高分辨率成像到大面积成像的全方位成像能力,结合了亮场、暗场和光片成像技术。凭借其先进的软件,它提供了强大的数据分析工具,以实现最高的样本性能。该设备还包括两个通道的同时成像选项,用于获取具有不同波长光的图像,以及最多五个不同的目标。Axiovert 100 M是生命科学中许多影像学应用的理想解决方桉,从基础研究到临床发现和诊断。ZEISS Axiovert 100 M具有直观的界面和多波长成像的灵活性,旨在满足任何研究环境或应用的需求。