二手 CREST UC-1014-9-STA #9033734 待售

ID: 9033734
优质的: 1996
Ultrasonic wash line
9-Stations cleaning / Rinsing / Drying system
With an automated overhead robotic crane
Station # 1 Load station platform
Station # 2 Ultrasonic NMP wash tank
Station # 3 Ultrasonic NMP wash tank
Station # 4 Ultrasonic spray over immersion rinse tank
Station # 5 Ultrasonic wash tank
Station # 6 Ultrasonic spray over immersion rinse tank
Station # 7 Ultrasonic spray over immersion rinse tank
Station # 8 High efficiency recirculation hot air dryer
Station # 9 Unload station platform
(5) Water inlet lines:
Station #2 and #3 fill: (3/4" NPT S/S)
Station #4, #6 and #7 fill: (3/4" CPVC SCH 80)
Station #5 fill: (1/2" CPVC SCH 80)
Station #2, Heat exchanger inlet: (1/2" CPVC SCH 80)
Station #3, Heat exchanger inlet: (1/2" CPVC SCH 80)
(7) Water outlet lines:
Station #2, Drain: (1/2" OD S/S)
Station #3, Drain: (1/2" OD S/S)
Station #2, Heat exchanger outlet: (1/2" CPVC SCH 80)
Station #3, Heat exchanger outlet: (1/2" CPVC SCH 80)
Station #4, Drain: (3/4" NPT S/S)
Station #5, #6, #7 Drain: (2" CPVC SCH 80)
Station #8, Drain: (1/2" OD S/S)
(3) Air inlet lines:
Station #9, Blow off and auto lid: (3/4" OD SIS)
Station #2, #3, #5 Oscillation: (1/2" OD SIS)
Station #2, #3, Autofill: (112" OD SIS)
(Air transfer pump)
(7) Air outlet lines:
Station #2, (2) Exhausts: (3" OD Collar)
Station #2 & #3, (2) Exhausts: (3" OD Collar)
Station #3, (2) Exhausts: (3" OD Collar)
Station #9 Exhausts: (3" OD Collar)
Manuals included
Power: 100 A, 240 VAC, 3 phase, 60 Hz
1996 vintage.
CREST UC-1014-9-STA是一种通用晶圆处理设备,专为微型设备行业的广泛应用而设计。该系统具有全自动晶片传输模块和先进的晶片处理能力,可同时快速准确地处理多达16个晶片。UC-1014-9-STA能够以高达2的速度处理150 mm和300 mm晶片,最终以原始4K分辨率进行处理。CREST UC-1014-9-STA为高级晶圆处理应用程序提供了最佳性能。该机具有高精度的舞台和集成的视觉单元,能够精确地测量和处理大量的部件。机器自动化和工作流协调使得优化吞吐量和最小化处理时间成为可能。UC-1014-9-STA晶圆加工工具的设计强调过程的重复性和高精度的结果。它具有复杂的控制算法,使资产能够快速校准和设置精确的晶圆过程,同时还能够在不同的处理方桉之间快速切换。该单元还具有存储设置和配方以便于召回的能力。这样可以减少设置时间和结果的准确性。总体而言,CREST UC-1014-9-STA为晶圆处理提供了一个极好的解决方桉,具有高度的精确度和可重复性。它是为高吞吐量和可靠性而设计的,操作员干预最少。它具有多种功能,是各种晶圆处理应用的可靠有效的解决方桉。