二手 LINDBERG / BLUE M GO1390A / GO1390GPAPP3A #165508 待售

ID: 165508
Gravity Convection Oven with Chart Recorder, Lead In Access Port and Viewing Window Options
Options Installed On Unit:
Glass Viewing Window (Optional GPA) - 11.625" W x 9.125" H
Lead In Port (Option P3) - Access Port, 2.875" interior diameter, located at the right side wall
Chart Recorder
ASTM and Life Testing
General Use
Quality Control
Capacity: 3.0 cubic feet (85 liters)
Temperature Range: +40°C to +260°C
Temperature Uniformity: ±3% at 100°C, Actual performance may vary depending on load, chamber size, sample placement, ambient temperature and environmental conditions
Controller Type: Microprocessor automatically optimizes control parameters during operation, Digital, single setpoint with simultaneous LED display of actual temperature vs. setpoint, May be configured to display temperature in °C and °F
Control Accuracy: ±0.5% typical
High Limit Overtemp: Adjustable high temperature limit protection
Heat-Up Rate: At Chamber Center, Vents Open
Ambient to +100°C: 5 Minutes
Ambient to +200°C: 14 minutes
Ambient to +260°C: 24 Minutes
Cool-Down Rate:
+260°C to +100°C: 55 Minutes
+260°C to +50°C: 140 Minutes
Heating Elements: Long-life, low-watt density elements, enclosed and protected
Interior Construction: Corrosion resistant 304 brushed stainless steel
Ports and Vents: Adjustable intake bottom right side; exhaust top right side, 1.0" (25.4 mm) diameter
Air Exchange: Intake port allows fresh air entry to establish gravity airflow pattern
Power Requirements: 120 V, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase
Cabinet Finish: Stainless Steel
Shelf Positions: 16
Shelves: Two, open wire shelves, adjustable, Stainless steel
Interior Dimensions: 19" W x 15" D x 18" H (480 mm x 380 mm x 450 mm).
LINDBERG/BLUE M GO1390A/ GO1390GPAPP3A是专门为加热和干燥应用而设计的烤箱/炉。该烤箱非常适合复合材料的前后固化以及热风老化测试,在汽车、航空航天和医疗设备制造等多个行业中得到应用。烤箱/炉子由重型钢和铝合金制成,提供硬度和耐用性,可抵抗高温造成的翘曲和其他损坏。它有一个单一的腔室,旨在在整个内部保持和均匀地分配热量。为方便起见,烤箱/炉子配有两个高流量轴向风扇和一个电动引擎盖,可分三个阶段打开,让空气流入烤箱室内。这些特性确保在腔室中始终保持温度均匀性。烤箱/炉的外部以香槟金属饰面完成,以降低外部温度,防止烧伤。其他安全功能包括一个安全开关,防止烤箱被意外留在和冷却到触摸侧盖。BLUE M烤箱/炉具有精确的数字化和可编程温度控制功能。烤箱可以维持从环境+5°C到最高温度1390 °C (2514 °F)的温度。输出通过带有可调斜坡和浸泡控制的PID数字控制器显示和监控。它也可以用最多8个段进行编程,并具有任何所需的坡道速率和停留时间。还包括一个自动过温安全控制系统,以实现最佳的安全。烤箱/炉采用单相电源供电,25°C环境温度下最大功耗24千瓦,最大额定电流25安培的2.5千瓦加热器。此外,烤箱/炉子设有不锈钢内室,耐腐蚀,并配有可移动的网架和可移动的门封。这有助于方便清洗、维护和安装配件。总体而言,BLUE M GO1390A/ GO1390GPAPP3A是一种重型烤箱/炉,满足许多行业的具体需求。其可靠、精确的温度控制和易于清洁的设计使其成为许多加热和干燥应用的绝佳选择。