二手 GOEPEL OptiCon #9181427 待售

ID: 9181427
优质的: 2011
3D Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) system PC System: Operating system: Windows XP DVD-RW Hard disc with RAID system TFT Monitor, 19" Keyboard Mouse Camera module: Camera with telecentric lens Resolution: 21 μm Field Of View(FOV): 42 mm x 42 mm Inspection height: Solder joints and OCR: 0 mm - 10 mm Presence and polarity: 0 mm - 20 mm Clearance (top side): 50 mm Illumination system: Top Flash (3) Colors: Red, green, blue Extended optical resolution: Resolution: 10.5 μm per pixel based on pixel-adapted lens Feature-optimized image transformation Extended color technology: Image capturing in real colors for overview images Failure images X/Y Positioning system: Y-Axis: Linear X-Axis: CFK-based Inspection speed: 60 cm²/s PCB handling: Integrated conveyor module With automated width adjustment Inline interface: SMEMA PCB transportation height: 950 mm ±15 mm PCB transportation direction: Left to right Right to left Right to right Left to left Clearance (bottom side): 50 mm Inspection areas: Main camera: 450 mm x 460 mm Additional camera: 450 mm x 370 mm Laser height meas: 340 mm x 460 mm NUTEK Single magazine line loader: Transfer height: 950 mm +/- 25 mm Voltage: 230 V, 1 Phase Direction of flow: Left to right Fixed rail: Front Machine color: RAL 9002 Interface: SMEMA Maximum magazine width: 530 mm Maximum magazine length: 535 mm Flexible platform Clamping to suit standard magazines Selectable pitch settings: 10-40 mm Regulated pressure on pneumatic pusher PLC Controlled Tower light: 3 Colors NUTEK Dual magazine line unloader: Transfer height: 950 mm +/- 25 mm Voltage: 203 V, 1 Phase Direction of flow: Left to right Fixed rail: Front Machine color: RAL 9002 Interface: SMEMA Maximum magazine width: 530 mm Maximum magazine length: 535 mm PCB width: 70 - 407 mm PCB length: 80 - 457 mm Flexible platform Clamping to suit standard magazines Selectable pitch settings: 10-40 mm Regulated pressure on pneumatic pusher PLC Controlled Tower light: 3 Colors PCB Magazine: PCB Width: 10 - 390 mm PCB Length: Maximum 522 mm PCB Temperature: 130°C 2011 vintage.
GOEPEL OptiCon是一种用于pc板组装和制造的设备,它提供了一整套强大的硬件、软件和自动光学检查(AOI)技术。这些功能使制造商能够实现高精度和可靠的PC板生产,从而确保产品质量和效率。OptiCon系统是一个模块化解决方桉,允许制造商根据自己的需求构建一个单元,并能够从一系列可用的模块和选项中进行选择。这包括自动化和手动组件,以及一系列软件工具。GOEPEL OptiCon机器的硬件部分包括一个最多使用四个摄像头的视觉站,以及一个智能照明工具,提供所需的视觉和AOI。此外,资产还配备了区域扫描摄像头,可提供PC板的详细图像。可选的图像质量表(IQM)可用于扫描的其他图像质量保证。模型的软件部分提供了一套工具,使OptiCon设备能够自动化pc板装配和制造过程。它旨在与一系列pc板组装机接口,允许用户远程监视其机器。该软件还允许用户设置流程参数,以及分析和优化pc板装配流程。GOEPEL OptiCon系统采用的自动光学检测(AOI)技术利用模式识别和像素分析等先进技术,快速可靠地检测PC板组件的缺陷和缺陷。此外,AOI技术还有一系列检查系统和报告作为后盾,其产出可追溯并符合行业标准。OptiCon单元为制造商提供了一个完整的pc板装配和制造解决方桉。它的模块化设计和一系列功能为用户提供了一种易于使用、可靠且经济高效的方式来确保高质量的PC板的生产。此外,其先进的AOI技术让用户放心,他们的PC板没有缺陷,符合行业标准。

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