二手 AMPLIFIER RESEARCH 60S1G4A #9091014 待售
ID: 9091014
Amplifier 0.7 - 4.2 GHz, 60W
Rated power output: 60 watts minimum
Input for rated output: 1.0 milliwatt maximum
Power Output@ 3dB compression: Nominal: 70 watts; Minimum: 60 watts
Power Output@ 1dB compression: Nominal: 65 watts; Minimum: 50 watts
Flatness: Typical: ±1.5 dB; Maximum: ±2.0 dB
Frequency response: 0.7 – 4.2 GHz instantaneously
Gain (at maximum setting): 47.8 dB minimum
Gain adjustment (continuous range): 10 dB minimum (4096 steps remote)
Input impedance: 50 ohms, VSWR 2.0:1 maximum
Output impedance: 50 ohms, nominal
Mismatch tolerance:
100% of rated power without foldback
Will operate without damage or oscillation with any magnitude and phase of source and load impedance
Modulation capability: Will faithfully reproduce AM, FM, or pulse modulation appearing on the input signal
Third order intercept point: 58 dBm typical
Noise Figure: 10 dB typical
Harmonic distortion: Minus 20 dBc maximum at 60 watts
Spurious: Minus 73 dBc typical
Phase Linearity: ±1.0deg/100 MHz typical
Noise figure: 10 dB typical
Primary power (selected automatically):
90-132, 180-264 VAC
50/60 Hz, single phase
410 watts maximum
RF: Type N female
Remote interfaces:
IEEE-488: 24 pin
RS-232: 9 pin Subminiature D
RS-232 (fiber optic): Type ST
USB 2.0: Type B
Ethernet: RJ-45
Safety interlock: 15 Pin Subminiature D.
AMPLIFIER RESEARCH 60S1G4A是一种高性能电源,专为满足包括吉他放大器、低音放大器和音频处理器在内的一系列音频应用的需求而设计。它是一种交换机模式电源(SMPS),利用先进的交换机拓扑结构,比传统的线性电源具有一系列优势。60S1G4A的高效率切换机制确保能量不会浪费为热量,而是直接转换为音频设备的有用电源。这使得电源比相同尺寸的线性电源更紧凑、更轻,并且还可以通过最小的可听噪声使设备保持凉爽高效运行。此外,AMPLIFIER RESEARCH 60S1G4A还提供出色的波纹和噪声抑制功能,有助于确保无干扰的干净声音。输入电压从200V到240V不等,该单元适合在广泛的国际电压环境中使用。电源还具有过载警告和防止短路的功能,以确保操作过程中的稳定性和安全性。50安培的最大额定电流使其能够处理各种各样的输入功率,并在应用中提供灵活性。60S1G4A还具有从12V到48V的各种输出电压选项,以及可调限流功能,以防止过量的电流消耗。AMPLIFIER RESEARCH的强大设计和结构60S1G4A使其成为长期可靠性和各种工作条件的理想选择。结合其UL、CE、TUV和RoHS安全认证,此电源是用于音频应用的可靠、高性能解决方桉。