二手 MICROMANIPULATOR 6100 #114301 待售

ID: 114301
Accepts (10) or more magnetic or vacuum based manipulators
1" (25.4 mm) thick honeycomb construction
Fine Lift Control
True planar vertical motion, knob control
Resolution: 0.3 micron per degree revolution
Range: 0.5" (12.7 mm)
Fast Lift Control
Raises platen and microscope with adjustable microscope lift delay
Range: 1.35" (34.3 mm)
(3) Locking up positions
Resolution: 18:1 reduction (handle:platen)
X-Y Stage:
Stage Movement
Range of motion 6" x 6" (152 mm x 152 mm)
Movement and vacuum stage planarity permanently set at factory
Theta rotation control full 360° with locking knob
Control knobs coaxial X-Y for single hand operation from either side, located center front
Vacuum Stage
Standard 5" (127 mm) diameter with dual tweezer slots
Gold plated brass
Flatness t.0005" (t 12 microns)
Electrical isolation exceeds 5000 megohms at 500VDC
Optional socket stage
Conversion time vacuum to socket and back to vacuum stage less than 60 seconds
Accepts P.C. cards with ZIF sockets for probing packaged devices while operating
Locking handle for theta rotation control
Microscope & Post:
Vertical positioning +1.4" ( support)
Vertical motion 0 -1.35" (34.3 mm) by platen fast lift handle or fine control knob with adjustable delay
X-Y translation: 1" x 1" (25.4 mm x 25.4 mm) with knob control
Factory planarized X-Y translation
Coarse/fine focus control
B&L MicroZoom with 2:1 zoom in body
(3) Long working distance objectives (2.25X, 8X, 25X)
Quadruple nosepiece accepts optional 50X objective
Trinocular head with camera port, 10X eyepieces
Coaxial illuminator with system mounted transformer and infinite rheostat control.
MICROMANIPULATOR 6100是一种用于探测和测试小型组件的处理器。它配备了一个自动化的XYZ微处理器和一个用于精确调整和放置组件的视觉设备。6100采用高精度和耐用性的材料建造。XYZ micropositioner的范围为0.00025英寸,分辨率为0.00001英寸,可重复性降至0.00002英寸。MICROMANIPULATOR 6100包括用于精确放置组件(包括组件对齐方式)的集成视觉系统。视力单位也进行检查,并提供参考模式的统计反馈。6100使用高级力学进行精确对准和处理。伸展臂和运动传感器具有直线轴承和精确的运动控制.光学元件安装在为零漂移定位而设计的薄膜弯曲上。机械设计允许微观接收器的平滑、精确的运动。MICROMANIPULATOR 6100配备了一个接口运动控制板,使所有三个轴元件都能运动。运动控制板允许用户编程和存储多个运动模式。这使用户能够准确快速地定位样本,同时最大限度地减少测试配置之间所需的时间。6100采用了持久可靠的冗余接口,降低了数据丢失的风险。控制面板包括触摸屏控制界面、图形控制面板以及用于数据存储的外部USB端口。MICROMANIPULATOR 6100还包括一个用于操作小型组件的真空模具接口。总体而言,6100是一款专为高效、精确地处理和探测小型组件而设计的处理器。它坚固的结构和精确的运动控制能够在紧凑的配置中进行精确的放置,而集成视觉机器提供了便于对准和精确测量的反馈。冗余接口可确保数据完整性和快速配置示例测试的能力。Vacuum Tooling Interface为控制过程增加了多功能性,使用户可以轻松操作组件。