二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance #293587172 待售

ID: 293587172
Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) system, 12"
Process: RadOx
(2) Chambers
Wafer type: SNNF
Platform type: Vantage 3.X
Position A and B: (V352) RadOx2
Chamber A and B process: Toxic RP
OHT WIP Delivery
Dual 2-slot active cool down station
No remote control system
E99 Docked reading capability
Load port: SELOP 7
Load port operator interface: Standard (8) lights
Configurable colored lights
Top air intake system
Upper E84 interface enabled OHT
Upper E84 PIO sensors and cables
E99 Carrier ID: TIRIS With RF
Operator access switch
4-Color configurable light towers
Interface A option
Out the back connection type: RP
Out the back connection H2
(2) Water cooling chambers
RP Integration hardware: Chamber A and B
Standard RAGB rear light tower
Vantage skin: (2) Toxic chambers
IPUP Transfer pump
Open loop tuner
Core anneal and RTO
Monitor 1: Flat panel with keyboard on stand, 17"
Monitor 2: Flat panel on stand, 17"
Monitor 1 and 2 cables: 25 ft with 16 feet effective
Semi S2 compliance
RTP Chamber type: Radiance RadOx2, 12"
Technology option: Open loop tuner
Core anneal and RTO
Rotation type: WRLD Toxic
Low flow O2: 5 SLM
High flow O2: 50 SLM
Oxygen analyzer
High flow
Low flow
Side inject
No process N2 for flammable MNFLD
Gas pallet type: TOXIC RP Common gas pallet
No MWBC improvement kit
Chamber integration lines: RadOx2
RP Pump cable: 81 Feet
Base ring: RadOx2 base ring
Line 1 / N2 (N/O), 50 SLM
Line 2 / O2, 50 SLM
Line 3 / O2, 5 SLM
Line 6 / H2, 15 SLM, Side inject high flow
Line 7 / H2, 22 SLM, High flow
Line 8 / H2, 2 SLM, Low flow
Line 10 / N2 (P/P), 30 SLM Restrictor
Line 11 / He, 30 SLM
Line 12 / N2 (BP), 50 SLM
Line 13 / N2 (Maglev), 100 SLM
Docking station FST install kit
Does not include Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
2016 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance是一种快速热处理器,旨在在半导体制造过程中快速高效地加热晶圆。它是市场上最先进的热处理系统之一,为芯片制造商提供了许多功能和优势。AMAT Vantage Radiance具有高功率、快速热处理炉,设计用于传递均匀热量,最高温度范围可达1300 °C。这伴随着每步不到0.1秒的快速斜坡时间,使其能够快速准确地达到温度设定点。这有助于缩短晶圆循环时间,使芯片制造商能够制造更先进的半导体器件。APPLICED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance还配备了Advanced Control Equipment,允许操作员管理和控制热处理所需的各种过程和条件。这包括多种监测条件的工具,如温度、压力、气流和晶圆表面条件。该系统还允许校准炉子的烹饪参数,以确保每批晶片的最佳性能。此外,Vantage Radiance利用了一个专利的多过程控制单元(MPCS),它可以对多个晶圆同时运行进程。这样可以快速同时加热多个晶片,而不会影响热过程的准确性和控制。MPCS还具有不同工艺步骤的热配方,可快速生成一致的结果。总而言之,AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance是一款先进的快速热处理机,旨在提高半导体制造的效率和性能。AMAT Vantage Radiance凭借其高功率炉、高级控制机和多过程控制工具,能够快速、准确地满足各种热处理需求。