二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance #293587176 待售

ID: 293587176
Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) system, 12"
Process: RadOx
(2) Chambers
Wafer type: SNNF
Platform type: Vantage 3.X
Position A and B: (V352) RadOx2
Chamber A and B process: Toxic RP
OHT WIP Delivery
Dual 2-slot active cool down station
No remote control system
E99 Docked reading capability
Load port: SELOP 7
Load port operator interface: Standard (8) lights
Configurable colored lights
Top air intake system
Upper E84 interface enabled OHT
Upper E84 PIO sensors and cables
E99 Carrier ID: TIRIS With RF
Operator access switch
4-Color configurable light towers
Interface A option
Out the back connection type: RP
Out the back connection H2
(2) Water cooling chambers
RP Integration hardware: Chamber A and B
Standard RAGB rear light tower
Vantage skin: (2) Toxic chambers
IPUP Transfer pump
Open loop tuner
Core anneal and RTO
Monitor 1: Flat panel with keyboard on stand, 17"
Monitor 2: Flat panel on stand, 17"
Monitor 1 and 2 cables: 25 ft with 16 feet effective
Semi S2 compliance
RTP Chamber type: Radiance RadOx2, 12"
Technology option: Open loop tuner
Core anneal and RTO
Rotation type: WRLD Toxic
Low flow O2: 5 SLM
High flow O2: 50 SLM
Oxygen analyzer
High flow
Low flow
Side inject
No process N2 for flammable MNFLD
Gas pallet type: TOXIC RP Common gas pallet
No MWBC improvement kit
Chamber integration lines: RadOx2
RP Pump cable: 81 Feet
Base ring: RadOx2 base ring
Line 1 / N2 (N/O), 50 SLM
Line 2 / O2, 50 SLM
Line 3 / O2, 5 SLM
Line 6 / H2, 15 SLM, Side inject high flow
Line 7 / H2, 22 SLM, High flow
Line 8 / H2, 2 SLM, Low flow
Line 10 / N2 (P/P), 30 SLM Restrictor
Line 11 / He, 30 SLM
Line 12 / N2 (BP), 50 SLM
Line 13 / N2 (Maglev), 100 SLM
Docking station FST install kit
Does not include Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
2017 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance是一款专为先进半导体器件制造应用而设计的快速热处理器。它是一个单晶片、批处理型快速热处理器(RTP),具有专利的固定石英壁加热器设计,具有高效的直接输送平板设计,可实现最大吞吐量。站壁由石英等不易燃材料组成,确保在快速热处理过程中腔室保持凉爽。AMAT Vantage Radiance Rapid Thermal Processor采用多个级别的热控制,以确保该批晶片得到统一处理。温度由先进的热控制器程序控制,该程序利用主机促进反馈和基于高精度热电偶阵列和高速率PID控制的多级控制器。这种设备允许设备在广泛的温度和压力范围内操作,允许用户根据需要微调处理参数。装置的加热速率也可以通过可调的坡道上升速率来调节,允许使用者调整加热时间。APPLICED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance Rapid Thermal Processor的设计采用多区域全晶圆覆盖均匀性(MZ-FWCU)系统,在整个晶圆表面提供均匀加热。设备的加热区分为三个伪等温加工区(包括一个冷却前和冷却后的区域),可以在可接受的范围内将晶片从室温加热到最高设定点温度。MZ-FWCU确保晶片均匀加热,没有任何热点或冷点。Vantage Radiance的腔室被设计成在加工时保持极其清洁。该装置采用了获得专利的等离子体发生器,它提供了稳定和一致的清洁环境,有效地消除了任何颗粒间碎片,并允许对表面和材料造成最小的损害。此外,该装置还配备了腐蚀和减粒功能,一个表面提升抓地力机构,以及可调节的加热器高度,以便快速和易于维护。总而言之,AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance Rapid Thermal Processor是一款先进高效的单片加工机,旨在优化设备产量并最大限度地缩短吞吐量时间。其功能和特点,包括先进的热控制器程序、均匀性工具和等离子体发生器,使其成为先进半导体器件制造应用的理想选择。