二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 ACP / EPI #160377 待售


ID: 160377
晶圆大小: 12"
优质的: 2007
Systems, 12" Application: CMOS EG Elevated source drain (4) Chambers: (RH3) Reduced pressure EPI RP Chambers: Recipe control AssuSETT: Yes Lamp type: USHIO BNA6 Susceptor type: Silicon carbide coated graphite Pin type: Hollow silicon carbide coated graphite Preheat ring: Slotted silicon carbide, coated graphite Susceptor support shaft: Centerpost Upper heat shield: 6 Deg flared-in upper outer Gas delivery options: Gas panel feed: Bottom MFC type: STEC Z500 Pump purge: yes Regulators and displays: Transducers and regulators Transducer display type: English (PSI) H2 leak detector: Yes Gas pallets: Slot 1: H2 Main 50 SLM normally open Slot 2: H2 SLIT 10 SLM normally open Slot 4 MFC: HCI Wafer clean 200 sccm Slot 4 Restrictor: HCI Chamber clean 15 SLM restrictor Slot 5: HCI 20 SLM Slot 8: DCS 300 sccm Slot 9: DCS 1 SLM MLD Mainframe: Mainframe type: Core ENP block 2 Loadlocks: Batch load lock Chamber interface: Vented stainless steel insert and door with viton DVR record license:Yes Water hose fittings: Yes Chamber common and integration: Mass flow verification: MFV for 4 Chamber system Multi wafer clean: MWC for 4 chamber system Factory interface options: WIP delivery type: OHT WIP delivery Number of load ports: 2 load ports eDiagnostics ready: Yes Load port types: Enhanced 25 wafer FOUP V2 Load port operator interface: Standard 8 light Configurable colored lights: Yes Air intake system: Top intake E84 Carrier handoff: Upper E84 interface enabled OHT E84 PIO Sensors and cables: Upper E84 sensors and cables E99 Carrier ID: Keyence with BCR Operator access switch: Yes Light towers: 4 Color configurable light tower Platform application: EPI ACP block 2 Remote options: Monitor 1: 17" Flat panel with keyboard on ergo arm Monitor 2: Remote 17" flat panel on stand Monitor 2 Cable: 50 feet with 41 feet effective Pumps: Process chamber pumps: Edwards IH1000 pump interface only Pump isolation valve: Yes Currently powered off 2007 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 ACP/EPI是一种用于半导体制造过程的工具,设计用于生产高质量的集成电路和晶圆级封装。它是一种先进的沉积蚀刻反应器,提供了现代先进节点所需的均匀性、重复性和工艺精度。AMAT Centura 5200 ACP/EPI为先进的材料沉积和蚀刻工艺提供了最佳平台。它是一个单晶片负载锁定系统,有一个单独的蚀刻室,用于干蚀刻过程。这使得沉积和蚀刻可以内联完成,而不是为每个工艺步骤依次使用单独的工具。该工具也非常适合晶圆级钝化工艺。APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 ACP/EPI包含模块化基板转杆,支持晶圆定向以进行均匀蚀刻。与传统工具相比,此设计功能提供了更好的可重复性和过程一致性。Centura 5200 ACP/EPI还具有强大的Robot Handler和单向传输方法。此功能可确保基板在加工模块之间传输时的精确对齐和安全处理。AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 ACP/EPI提供了增强的工艺室设计,提高了等离子体的均匀性、可重复性和吞吐量。等离子体由电子回旋共振(ECR)和感应耦合等离子体(ICP)源产生。它还具有射频(RF)发电机,使用户能够快速准确地调整功率水平。使用者也可以设定压力水平,而晶体石英窗温度探头则能够进行工艺温度的检查和监控。AMAT Centura 5200 ACP/EPI提供技术和性能,能够生产出最先进的集成电路和复杂的晶圆级封装。其出色的沉积和蚀刻均匀性满足了最新先进节点具有挑战性的工艺要求。该工具的高级设计确保了最佳的基板传输和处理,以及尽可能最好的可重复性和工艺精度。APPLIED MATERIALS CENTURA 5200 ACP/EPI具有射频发电机、压力控制、温度探头和模块化转杆等功能,是实现先进半导体制造工艺最高性能的有效工具。