二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9153559 待售

ID: 9153559
晶圆大小: 12"
优质的: 2007
CVD System, 12" (2) Chambers Chamber A and B: Chamber process: XJ (PE Si-lane twin) APEX 3000 RF Generator Gas delivery: Gas pallet type: Surface mount vertical No regulated gas panel No regulated TMS Top gas feed Gas panel cabinet exhaust: Top No facilities interlock indicator SETRA Transducers Nippon filter Manual and pneumatic valves: Hamlet No liquid source Gases: Chamber A: Gas position / Gas / MFC Size Gas 1 / C3H6 / 3000 SCCM Gas 2 / H2 / 15000 SCCM Gas 8 / O2 / 30000 SCCM Gas 9 / AR / 15000 SCCM Gas 10 / HE / 5000 SCCM Gas 13 / N2 / 15000 SCCM No regulator No transducer Chamber B: Gas position / Gas / MFC Size Gas 1 / C3H6 / 3000 SCCM Gas 2 / H2 / 1000 SCCM Gas 8 / O2 / 30000 SCCM Gas 9 / AR / 15000 SCCM Gas 10 / HE / 5000 SCCM Gas 13 / N2 / 15000 SCCM No regulator No transducer Mainframe: No local center finder No Cu wafer sensor Third MF IO motion card Robot blade: Standard VHP Factory interface, 12": Options: 5.3 WIP Delivery type: OHT Wafer pass thru and storage: DSM Specific cooling tray KAWASAKI Track robot with edge grip No docked E99 reading capability Load port types: Enhanced 25 wafer FOUP Load port operator interface: Standard 9 light No configurable color lights No docking flange shield Front facing intake plenum air system E84 Pl/O Sensors and cables: Upper E84 sensors and cables OHT Light curtain Carrier ID host interface (3) Colors configurable light towers Heat exchanger: No AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS HX Hose and manifolds Remote AC: Facilities UPS interface Chamber configuration: Channel A / Channel B: BFC Foreline, 2" T/V Type: 683B 0090-05813 RF Filter RPS FFU Controller Power supply: 200-208 VAC, 60 Hz 2007 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE是由全球领先的先进半导体设备供应商AMAT设计制造的单片行星反应堆。该反应堆结合先进特性和易于使用的软件,在生产用于高性能、低功耗和可靠性应用的先进半导体材料方面产生统一、精确、可靠的结果。单片Advanced Materials AMAT Producer SE是工艺工程师和科学家的理想选择,能够为各种薄膜工艺和基材提供高产、高质量的结果。该反应堆提供了工艺均匀性、可靠性和晶片形状一致性的精确、可重复的晶片生产。反应堆装有一个工艺室,密封用于超高真空(UHV)和近真空(NV)工艺。该设备旨在在单晶片和多晶片基板上实现工艺,并同时处理多种气体。反应堆还配备了一个低发射率沉积视图窗口,为用户在沉积材料时提供直接视图,以及在恒温下保持冷却过程气体的冰箱系统。对于控制和服务,APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE由APPLIED MATERIALS开发的一套易用软件支持。此套件提供直观的界面,用于培训、维护、监控和服务。此外,生产者的软件平台允许定制,以满足个别单位和沉积需求。Producer SE提供了许多功能,旨在最大限度地提高产量和生产率。它配备了自动晶圆中心车和机器人系统,使基板保持在适当的位置,并最大限度地减少产量损失。此外,先进的数字处理控制机保持了最佳的工艺速度和位置精度,并提供了关于晶圆状态的连续反馈。单晶片Advanced Materials AMAT/APPLICED MATERIALS Producer SE允许快速、轻松地执行和控制过程,其目的是帮助确保尽可能高的产量和质量。对于希望优化生产并取得最佳效果的半导体制造商来说,这是一个可靠且经济实惠的选择。