二手 ASM Epsilon 2000 #9050020 待售


Epsilon 2000
ID: 9050020
晶圆大小: 8"
EPI Reactor, 8" Model 26 Stand-alone, single wafer Reactor module: Model RP for reduced pressure processing and ATM processing Vacuum load locks (scroll pump not included) Clean-room front with color touch screen operator interface (2) independent wafer cassette load locks Right-hand maintenance access configuration Automated wafer handling section with Bernoulli wand VAT – reactor gate valve Maintenance access: 2 0port in wafer handling chamber Epitaxy process chamber, susceptor and related quartzware for 200mm wafer processing Toshiba graphite: square Observation windows on maintenance access doors in wafer handling and process chamber sections 68040-based computer Operating system and software with 4.3 Gbyte hard disk drive Multiport Injector Flange with water cooling circuit Vibration Isolation Package HCl detector: reactor module Adjustable Spot Lamps Gas control module: Orbital welded 316L stainless steel, electropolished interior surface tubing Line and component connections via metal-gasketed fittings .003 micron point-of-use filtration AERA mass flow controllers: Model 7810/7820 Gas sampling ports Gas Loops: Nitrogen (N2) purge Hydrogen (H2) carrier and purge Hydrogen chloride (HCl) wafer and chamber etch Dopant #1, diborane (B2H6) P-dopant, diluent and inject Do pant #2, phosphine (PH3) or arsine (AsH3) N-dopant, diluent and inject Low flow hydrogen chloride (HCl) Auxiliary silicon source, dichlorosilane (SiH2Cl2, gas) Auxiliary loop for TCS with MFC and Lorex Piezocon controller Advanced application valving HCl detector – gas module Precision Vent Matching Power module: Single point, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 480 VAC power input Lamp array SCR packs 110 VAC/24 VAC power distribution circuits Power and load protection devices 0 ft. (15.2m) of interconnect wiring harness for remote operation Engineering console: Color touch screen operator interface Operator key lock control Temperature control digital electronics 50 ft. (7.6m) of interconnect wiring harness for remote operation Source cabinet with mini bubbler: 10-liter mini-bubbler H2 Detector HCl detector TCS/DCS.
ASM Epsilon 2000是一种多功能反应堆,旨在满足广泛应用中的各种需求。它旨在成为一个可靠、低维护和安全运行的核反应堆,能够生产核技术所需的各种裂变材料和同位素浓缩燃料。Epsilon 2000是一种钠冷快堆。这类反应堆使用液态钠作为其冷却剂,使其能够在高于其他反应堆类型的温度下运行。它由一个双壁核心和一个钢筋安全壳容器构成,提供额外的安全和保护,免受外部来源的影响。此外,ASM Epsilon 2000利用各种控制系统,以确保其核心不超过其安全极限。与其他核反应堆相比,Epsilon 2000具有多项优势。它有85%的效率,意味着它能够用更少的燃料产生更多的能量。提高燃料经济性意味着降低运营成本和减少产生的废物,使其成为一种更具成本效益的反应堆选择。此外,ASM Epsilon 2000的设计允许更有效地利用燃料,这意味着它能够将更多的燃料转化为能源,而不是通过传热浪费能源。Epsilon 2000还具有多种安全特性,如应急核心停电系统和隔离区安全系统。有了这些特点,反应堆被设计成能够快速安全地应对紧急情况。此外,反应堆还有一个系统,可按照加油和维护程序运行,确保其内部部件得到妥善维护,并定期更换燃料。ASM Epsilon 2000是一个可靠的反应堆,能够为各种应用提供可靠、高效和具有成本效益的动力来源。其先进的安全系统和高效的燃料利用表明其致力于保护环境和用户的福祉。Epsilon 2000是核电生产的理想选择。