二手 KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA #77298 待售
![KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA 图为 已使用的 KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/kin-tek_sp61-h2o-sdha_186129.png)
![KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA 图为 已使用的 KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/kin-tek_sp61-h2o-sdha_185000.jpg)
ID: 77298
优质的: 1998
Moisture generator
Built-in 491M secondary dilution for very low moisture standards
High purity mass flowmeters
Back pressure regulators
Standard SPAN PAC H2O generator specifications:
Calibrate sensitive moisture monitors (100 ppb)
Verify moisture sensors and probes
Calibrate product quality control monitors
Calibrate on-line process monitors
Span Pac H2O can be remotely or manually operated
High thermal mass oven keeps permeation tube at a constant temperature
Oven temperature is factory set to NIST specification
Can use disposable, LFH, or ULED type Trace source Permeation Tubes
Electropolished, stainless steel tubing reduces moisture adsorption within the system
Special vacuum fittings on the input and output ports prevent atmospheric contamination of the system
Calibration sample is available at any pressure up to 40 psig for calibration of monitors requiring pressurized sample
Mass flowmeter measures the dilution flow to ± 1% of full scale
Direct dilution flow readout, accessible dilution flow adjust on the back panel
Cabinets that are purged with dry, inert gas to insure the integrity of the
Single oven unit with one concentration range
Oven capacity: up to (6) 1/4" dia x 5" long disposable permeation tubes or (1) refillable permeation tube
Flow range: 0.25 to 5 L/min
491M-SD Secondary Dilution Module Specifications:
Extends the range of concentration attained from permeation tubes:
Designed to split off a measured flow of calibration gases from a permeation tube system and combine it with a larger flow of clean dilution gas to form lower concentration mixtures
Dilution rations: from 3.5:1 to 1000:1
(100 ppb mixture from a permeation tube can be diluted to 100 pptr)
Broadens concentration range of single permeation tube:
Can increase concentration range up to 20,000:1
(Single LFH tube can be used for concentrations from 1000 ppm down to 50 ppb without changing its operating temperature)
Primary design:
Span mixture from 491M permeation unit fed into calibration gas 491M-SD
100 ml/min mass flow controller splits off a portion of this flow for redilution
Dilution gas is mixed with this small flow of calibration gas to form the final diluted span mixture
Variations in calibration gas flow amounts (mass flow controller) and dilution gas flow amounts (mass flow meter) determine final dilution ratios possible
1998 vintage.
KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA是一种残留气体分析仪(RGA),用于测量样品中存在的气体浓度和类型。它配备了质谱仪和双加热导热检测器,以提供对挥发性气体和那些不能注入的成分的综合测量。该设备在Windows XP或Win CE软件平台上运行,允许轻松设置操作参数和进行数据解释。RGA测量基于给定温度和压力下样品中气体成分的质荷比。一种能够进行质谱分析的光谱仪(MS)分析样品,并提供质量范围、每种成分的百分比及其各自丰度的数据。SP61-H2O-SDHA RGA采用了三重四极系统和四极离子滤波器,以进行更好的定量分析。MALDI(矩阵辅助激光解吸/电离)离子源分析时间短,更适合快速分析样品。KIN-TEK SP61-H2O-SDHA具有宽温度范围,从-50°C到250°C,宽压力范围,从1 Torr到760 Torr。它还能够检测含氧、硫和氢的分子,分析各种气态元素的丰度和组成。这包括CO2、H2O和O2浓度,以及其他成分,如痕量和超微量金属。由于其广泛的压力范围和详细的数据采集,这种装置也适用于环境监测和工业过程控制。此外,SP61-H2O-SDHA还具有一些安全功能,包括一个独立的系统时钟,这对于充分收集样品是必要的。真空压力可以通过电子方式监测,警报可以设置为低和高水平。还包括一个光学热电偶自测指示器,它验证系统处于适当的工作状态。KIN-TEK是一种强大、可靠和准确的残留气体分析仪,能够测量样品中存在的气体浓度和类型。其全面的数据采集能力和安全特性使其成为环境监测和过程控制的绝佳选择,从而实现了这些应用程序所需的精度和准确性。