二手 HITACHI S-4700 Type II #9226563 待售
ID: 9226563
优质的: 1988
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), 6"
Substrates, 6"
Main unit:
HITACHI FE Tip (Vext 4.7)
(4) BARTON Ion pumps
Main chamber pump: Diffusion pump
Stage: Type 2 (5 Axes motor)
(2) SE Detectors
Ion pump power: HITACHI Electron
BSE Detector
Vibration isolation table
(2) Rotary pumps
Down transformer: Auto transformer
(2) Pumping hose types
Accelerating voltage: 15 kV
Working distance: 12 mm - 1.5 nm
Accelerating voltage: 1 kV
Working distance: 2.5 mm - 2.5 nm
High magnification mode: 100x to 500,000x
Low magnification mode: 20x to 2,000x
Electron optics:
Electron gun: Cold cathode field emission type
Extracting voltage (Vext): 0 to 6.5 kV
Accelerating voltage (Vacc): 0.5 to 30 kV (in 100 V steps)
Lens: 3 Stages electromagnetic lens, reduction type
Objective lens aperture: Movable aperture (4 Openings selectable / Alignable outside column)
Self-cleaning thin aperture
Astigmatism correction coil (Stigmator) type: Electromagnetic
Scanning coil type: 2 Stages electromagnetic-deflection
Specimen stage:
X Traverse: 0 to 25 mm
Y Traverse: 0 to 25 mm
Z Traverse: 2.5 to 27.5 mm
Tilt: -5° to +45°
Airlock type:
Specimen exchange: 100 mm (Diameter)
Display unit:
Display type: LCD Monitor
Photo CRT (Option): Ultra-high resolution (Effective field of view 120 × 90 mm)
Control PC: COMPAQ DC7700
Control panel: HITACHI Image control panel
Keyboard: HP 101 Keyboard (English)
Operating system: Windows XP
Scanning modes: (Normal scan)
Reduced area scan
Line scan
Sport analysis
Average concentration analysis
Scanning speeds: Fast, slow 0.5 to 40 / sec per frame for viewing 20/17, 40/33, 80/67, 160/167, 320/333 sec per frame for photo mode
Value of (50 / 60 Hz)
Fast: NTSC / PAL Signal
Evacuation system:
System type: Fully automatic pneumatic-valve system
Ultimate vacuum levels:
Specimen chamber: 7 x 10^-4 Pa
Electron gun chamber:
IP-1: 1 x 10^-7 Pa / Better
IP-2: 2 x 10^-6 Pa / Better
IP-3: 7 x 10^-5 Pa / Better
Vacuum pumps:
Electron optical system: (3) Ion pumps
Specimen chamber: Turbo molecular pump
(2) Oil rotary pumps
Compressor: Oil-less type compressor
Protection devices:
Power failure
Cooling-water interruption
Inadequate vacuum
1998 vintage.
HITACHI S-4700 Type II是一种扫描电子显微镜(SEM),可实现表面、薄膜和其他材料的高分辨率图像。它可实现超过10,000倍的放大倍数,并产生复杂的成像结果。该系统的设计融合了极高的精度、便携性和高效的操作。HITACHI S 4700 TYPE II SEM由光学柱、电子机柜、样品室和控制控制台组成。利用场发射电子枪发射电子束,以创建高分辨率图像。利用柱光学器件对样品表面进行精细扫描,对电子束进行调制和成形。它也有一个大型的标本表,能容纳各种形状和大小的标本。然后将光束加速并聚焦到样品上,生成一个信号,从电子撞击样品时放电的次级电子和反向散射电子中检测到该信号。此信息显示在控制控制台上,控制台上包含可调增益和信号处理控制单元。SEM控制面板还允许用户调整光束电流/电压、扫描速度、光斑大小和图像存储设置。S-4700 II型具有透射电子显微镜(TEM)模式的调焦旋钮,可提供离子切片膜的更详细图像。它还采用深度剖面图,使用户能够以各种放大倍数监测样品的深度剖面图。此外,亮度调节旋钮为用户提供了降低信号噪声水平和产生更多对比图像的能力。该系统产生了非常高质量的图像,适用于包括细胞生物学、材料科学和金相学在内的多种应用。它是一个极其完善的系统,经过设计,能够承受实验室使用的严酷。它易于操作,可移植性确保方便现场或远程使用。