二手 HITACHI S-4700 #150536 待售


ID: 150536
FE SEM 1.5 nm resolution at 15 kV, 12 mm WD 2.5 nm resolution at 1 kV, 2.5 mm WD Magnification ranges: 30x to 500,000x Specimen tilt at 12 mm WD up to 45° Brightness: ~ 2 X 109 A / cm2/sr Energy spread: 0.2 to 0.3 eV Sample capacity: 100mm diameter x 17mm thick H maximum Oil-free vacuum systems pump column and sample exchange Image modes: secondary and backscattered electron images (2) Secondary electron detectors: above and below objective lens Digital image formats: BMP, TIFF, JPEG at 640 X 480, 1280 X 960, or 1560 X 1920 pixels Includes: Non-cryo sample holders CryoSEM observation using EMITECH K-1250 cryo stage Backscatter imaging at TV rates and low voltage (threshold 2.5 kV on gold) with Autrata modified YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet, cerium doped) crystal KEITHLEY specimen current detector Applications: High-resolution topographic contrast (Se) and atomic number contrast (BSe) imaging of biological and non-biological samples in both room temperature and cryo modes Applicable to imaging of immunogold labeled individual cells and bacteria Specifications: Secondary electron image resolution 2.1 nm guaranteed (at 1 kV) 1.5 nm guaranteed (at 15 kV and W.D. 12 mm or X-ray analysis position) Backscattered electron image resolution (optional) 3.0 nm guaranteed (at 15 kV YAG detector, optional) Cold finger and specimen exchange chamber as standard. Allowing sample exchange via airlock without repositioning Optional integrated EDX system with 30 degree take-off angle Fully digital imaging, image processing and archiving system Dual SE detectors for versatile imaging (SE and BSE) ExB energy filter Beam shift: +/-15um.
HITACHI S-4700是一种扫描电子显微镜(SEM),是HITACHI Ltd生产的S系列 SEM的一部分。HITACHI S 4700是一款高性能的SEM,能产生高品质的图像,并具有多种用户友好的功能。S-4700具有许多独特的特点,使其成为用于研究和教育设施的绝佳选择。它有一个大的视场(FOV),允许它捕获大样本和区域的图像。它具有高分辨率和对比度功能,可产生细腻而清晰的图像,背景噪音最小。图像堆栈模式允许用户获取具有各种视角和放大倍数的多个连续切片。S 4700非常适合各种样品类型。其高速、强大的放大范围(最高1000倍)使其适合以纳米级分辨率观察金属、陶瓷等事物。它的大范围电压设置(0.5kV-30kV)允许用户快速调整显微镜以观察具有多种形状、大小和材料的样品。电子束的小点和柱尺寸选项为样品观测提供了进一步的灵活性。HITACHI S-4700还配备了大量用户友好的功能。其大型液晶显示屏和触摸屏界面可方便地访问SEM的所有功能和设置。它的低温模式,自动漂移校正系统,以及自动中心摄像头使数据采集过程变得简单而无忧。总之,HITACHI S 4700是一款高性能的SEM,可产生高质量的图像,并具有多种用户友好的功能。它用途广泛,使用户可以探索各种样品和材料。其广阔的视野和强大的放大范围使其适合纳米级分辨率的金属和陶瓷观测等应用。