二手 HITACHI S-4800 #9209753 待售

ID: 9209753
优质的: 2008
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)
With HORIBA EDX system
Workstation: HP DC7100MT
Declaration mode: 2.0 nm at 1 kV, WD: 1.5 mm, Normal mode
Stigmator: Octopole electromagnetic
EYELA Cool Ace CA-1111 Chiller
HITACHI Air compressor
Operating system: Windows XP
Accelerating voltage: 15 kV
Working distance: 4 mm to 1.0 nm (220,000x)
Accelerating voltage: 1 kV
Working distance: 1.5 mm to 2.0 nm (120,000x)
High magnification mode: 100x to 800,000x
Low magnification mode: 20x to 2,000x
Electron optics:
Electron gun: Cold cathode field emission type
Extracting voltage (Vext): 0 to 6.5 kV
Accelerating voltage (Vacc): 0.5 to 30 kV (in 100 V steps)
Lens: 3-Stage electromagnetic lens, reduction type
Objective lens aperture:
Movable aperture (4 Openings selectable / Alignable outside column)
Self-cleaning thin aperture
Astigmatism correction coil: Electromagnetic type (Stigmator)
Scanning coil: 2-Stage electromagnetic electron optics
Specimen stage:
X-Traverse: 0 to 50 mm (Continuous)
Y-Traverse: 0 to 50 mm (Continuous)
Z-Traverse: 1.5 to 30.0 mm (Continuous)
Tilt: -5° to +70°
Rotation: 360° (Continuous)
Specimen size: Max 100 mm (Diameter)
(Airlock type specimen exchange)
Display unit:
Display type: Flicker-free image on PC monitor (Full scanning speeds)
Viewing monitor: Type 18.1 LCD
Option: Type 21 Color CRT (1280 x 1024 pixels)
Photo CRT (Option): Ultra-high resolution type
(Effective field of view 120 x 90 mm)
Full screen: 1280 x 960 Pixels
Reduced area:
640 x 480 Pixels
320 x 240 Pixels
Dual Image: 640 x 480 Pixels
Scanning modes:
Normal scan
Reduced area scan
Line scan
Spot analysis
Average concentration analysis
Split / Dual magnification
Scanning speeds:
TV (640 x 480 pixel display: 25 / 30 frames/s)
Fast (Full screen display: 6.25 / 7.5 frames/s)
(Full screen display: 1 / 0.9 , 4 / 3.3 , 20 / 16, 40 / 32 ,80 / 64 Frames/s)
(640 x 480 pixels display: 0.5 / 0.4 , 2 / 1.7 , 10 / 8 , 20 / 16, 40 / 32 Frames/s)
Photograph: 2560 x 1920 Pixels
Display: 40 / 32, 80 / 64, 160 / 128, 320 / 256 Frames/s
Value: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
TV: NTSC or PAL Signal
Signal processing modes:
Automatic brightness control
Gamma control
Automatic focus
Automatic stigmator
Automatic data display:
Image number
Accelerating voltage
Micron bar
Micron value
Data / Time
Data entry: Alphanumeric characters, number, and marks
Electrical image shift: 12 m (WD: 8 mm)
Evacuation system:
System type: Fully automatic pneumatic-valve system
Ultimate vacuum levels: Specimen chamber: 7 x Pa
10-7 Pa in electron gun chamber
10-4 Pa in specimen chamber
Electron gun chamber:
IP1 1 x Pa or better
IP2 2 x Pa or better
IP3 7 x Pa or better
Vacuum pumps: ULVAC GLD-136
Electron optical system: (3) Ion pumps
Specimen chamber: Turbo molecular pump
Oil rotary pump
Protection devices:
Warning devices:
Power failure
Cooling-water interruption
Inadequate vacuum
Secondary electron image resolution:
1.0 nm at 15 kV, WD: 4 mm
1.4 nm at 1 kV, WD: 1.5 mm
Sample chamber:
Size: Type I stage
Max sample size: 100 mm Diameter
Stage motion:
3 Axis motorized
X/Y: 0 - 50 mm
Signal selection:
SE Signal
X-Ray signal
AUX Signal
UPS Unit
FE-SEM Rotary pump
Main body:
Stage controller (ROM PCB)
EVAC Controller (ROM PCB)
(3) Ion pumps
SE Detector
Gun head cap
STP301H TMP Pump
STP301H TMP Controller
Solenoid valve assy
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Operating system: Windows XP
HV Controller
Gun head unit
Operation unit:
LCD Monitor
Operation panel
Stage control trackball
Ion coater rotary pump
Control HUB
EDS Controller
Operating system: Windows XP
Baking tool
Ion coater
HP Office Jet Pro C8194A Printer
Manuals included
4 kVA For voltage other than 100V AC
Power requirements: 100V AC (±10% ), Single phase, 50/60 Hz
2008 vintage.
HITACHI S-4800是一种扫描电子显微镜(SEM),既提供卓越的图像质量,又具有通用的分析能力。这种高端仪器设计用于一系列研究和工业应用,如材料和生命科学调查、样品分析、故障分析、截面和表面测量。HITACHI S 4800配备了钨丝电子发射器、可变压力(VP)和可变压力可变温度(VPVT)功能。VP和VPVT模式使样品能够在不同的压力水平和温度下查看,从而能够更深入和更准确地描述特征。此外,该显微镜还具有直径140mm的大探测面积,在二次电子图像(SEI)模式下具有高分辨率,高达1nm点分辨率。此外,先进的低真空模式(ALV)提供了在非导电材料上检测SEM图像的能力。灵活的S-4800设计使其能够用于多种技术,如反向散射电子(BSE)成像、EDX元素分析和WDS用于定性和定量元素分析。此外,立体声和3D成像功能提供了样本的全面表征。先进的成像包括实时和单色显示器,以及数字图像测量工具,以实现内部结构和表面特性的精确测量和指定。此外,较大的样品室和较高的提升级能够有效的样品处理和操作.S 4800还拥有广泛的配件,如一系列先进的探测器和电子柱升级,以及一个能够自动获取图像的自动成像系统。此外,先进的能量过滤有助于研究能量色散X射线信号。总体而言,HITACHI S-4800是一款功能强大的高端SEM,旨在满足各种研究和工业应用的需求。它提供了卓越的图像质量和先进的分析能力,通过其多用途的设计,使用户能够获得被分析样本的精确和准确的视图。