二手 JEOL JBX-5500FS #9131532 待售
ID: 9131532
晶圆大小: 4"
优质的: 2010
Direct Write E-beam Lithography System, 4"
Electron-beam lithography system that employs spot-beam vector scanning for sub-micron and nano-lithography
Two selectable writing modes:
High-resolution writing mode (5th Lens mode) for nano-lithography
High-speed writing mode (4th Lens mode) for sub-micron lithography
Accelerating voltage is also selectable either 25kV or 50kV
Beam scanning speed: 12MHz
Stage position is controlled by high-precision laser interferometer
Control system: Microsoft® Windows® PC
Minimum feature size:
High-resolution writing mode 50Kv: </= 10 nm (at the field center)
Overlay accuracy:
High-resolution writing mode 50kV:</= 40 nm (3 sigma)
High-speed writing mode 25kV (1200 um Field): </= 70 nm (3 sigma)
Field stitching accuracy:
High-resolution writing mode 50kV: </= 40 nm (3 sigma)
High-speed writing mode 25kV (1200 um Field): </= 70 nm (3 sigma)
Electron beam:
Beam shape: Spot (Gaussian) beam
Accelerating voltage: 50 kV, 25 kV
Beam current: 30 pA to 20 nA
Beam deflection method: Vector scan (Random access)
Writing field:
High-resolution writing mode:
50kV: Up to 100 um X 100 um
25kV: Up to 200 um 200 um
High-speed writing mode:
50kV: Up to 1000 um
25kV: Up to 2000 um
Beam positioning DAC: (18) bits
Beam-positioning unit:
High-resolution writing mode:
50kV: 0.5 nm
25kV: 1 nm
High-speed writing mode:
50kV: 5 nm
25kV: 10 nm
Beam scanning DAC: (12) bits
High-resolution writing mode:
50kV: 0.5 nm x N
25kV: 1 nm x N
High-speed writing mode:
50kV: 5 nm x N
25kV: 10 nm x N
Beam scanning speed: 83.3 ns to 4 ms/scanning step size (12 MHz to 250 Hz, respectively)
Field correction function:
Deflection correction: Amplitude, Rotation
Deflection aberration correction: Deflection distortion
Stage movement:
Method: Step and Repeat
Stage position measurement: Laser interferometer
Positional step size: lambda/1024 (approx. 0.6 nm)
Stage movement range: 104 x 75 mm
Writing area: 75 x 75 mm
Moving speed: Up to 10 mm/s
Material Transfer:
Manual loader: Single cassette loading mechanism
Cassette (Substrate Holder)
Wafer size: 2 to 4 inch
Wafer loading/unloading: Manual
Input pattern data:
Data format: JEOL52(V3.0)
Writing field:
High-resolution writing mode:
50kV: Up to 100 um x 100 um
25kV: Up to 200 um x 200 um
High-speed writing mode:
50kV: Up to 1000 um x 1000 um
25kV: Up to 2000 um x 2000 um
Specified resolution:
High-resolution writing mode:
50kV: 0.5 nm
25kV: 1 nm
High-speed writing mode:
50kV: 5 nm
25kV: 10 nm
Writing functions:
Cyclic correction: Dose correction, Beam position correction, Beam deflection system correction
Shot time modulation: Up to 256 ranks
Field shift overlapping writing
Design Functions:
Data format: JEOL01
Data conversion output: JEOL52(V3.0)
Draw-able figure: Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Line, Ring
Editing: Flip, Rotation, Copy & Paste, Duplicate, Grouping
Utility: Reticular, Radial, Fresnel ring generator
Figure map display: Display whole and partial drawing
Others: JEOL52(V3.0) display
Component Systems
Electron beam column
Electron source: ZrO/W emitter (Thermal field emission source)
Electron beam optics:
Beam alignment coil
Beam blanker
Lens (de-magnifying, illumination)
Objective lens (4th Lens, 5th Lens)
Beam deflector (1st Deflector, 2nd Deflector)
Stigmator: Objective aperture (4 holes)
Electron beam detection: Back-scattered electron detector, Secondary electron detector, Absorbed current
Material-driving system: XY stage, Laser interferometer system
Material transfer: Manual loader (one cassette can be loaded)
Control CPU system
Personal computer: HP series
Workstation: SUN series
Board CPU
Evacuation system: Vacuum pumps, Valves
Anti-vibration: Mount
Operating system
Personal computer: Windows XP
Workstation: Solaris 10
Writing preparation: Pattern design GUI
System control: Main GUI, System calibration GUI, Writing GUI
Installation requirements:
Power Supply
Voltage and Capacity:
Single-phase, 100 V, 4 kVA: (2) Lines
Single-phase, 200 V, 8 kVA: (1) Line
Three-phase, 200 V, 4.8 kVA: (1) Line
Power supply frequency tolerance
50 Hz regions: 47 Hz to 53 Hz
60 Hz regions: 57 Hz to 63 Hz
Voltage variation tolerance
For 1 cycle or more: -5% to +10 %
For less than 1 cycle
Sag (voltage sink): </= 10 %
Surge (voltage rise): </= 10 %
Notch: </= 200 V
Spike: </= 200 V
Grounding (forbidden to be used with other instruments)
Ground wire (for exclusive use): 100 0hm or less (D class)
For 0.15 MHz to 0.5 MHz: </= 79 dBuV (quasi peak value); </= 66 dBuV
For 0.5 MHz to 30 MHz: </= 73 dBuV (quasi peak value); </= 60 dBuV
For less than 0.15 MHz, compatible with the level at 0.15 MHz
Primary Cooling Water
Flow rate: 6 L/min (at 25 C) or 13 L/min (at 32 C)
Supply pressure: 0.15 to 0.5 MPa gauge pressure at maximum
Temperature: 15 to 32C
Connection form: Braided hose (inside diameter 15 mm, outside diameter 22 mm)
Overflow drain: No backing pressure
pH (at 25 C): 6.0 to 8.0
Electrical conductivity (mS/m) (at 25 C): </= 30
Chloride ion (mg Cl–/L): </= 50
Sulfate ion (mg SO42–/L): </= 50
Total hardness (mg CaCO3/L): </= 70
Calcium hardness (mg CaCO3/L): </= 50
Ionic silica (mg SiO2/L): </=30
Iron (mg Fe/L): </= 0.3
Sulfide ion: Not detected
Ammonium ion (mg NH4+/L): </= 0.1
High-pressure gas
Material: Nitrogen gas or Clean Dry Air
Supply pressure: 0.5 MPa
Maximum flow rate: 50 L/min
Connection form: 6 mm in diameter
Low-pressure Gas
Material: Nitrogen gas
Supply pressure: 0.1 MPa
Maximum flow rate: 50 L/min
Temperature: 21 to 25 C
Cleanliness: ISO Class 3
Purity: 99.999% or more
Connection form: 1/4 inch in diameter
Evacuate: For roughing vacuum pump
Evacuating capacity: 500 L/min at 50 Hz, 600 L/min at 60 Hz
Pressure: No backing pressure
Connection form: NW25
Installation Space: 5.5 (W)x 3.5 (D)x 2.7 (H) m or more
Entrance: 2.0 (W) x 2.1 (H) m or more
Room Temperature: 21 to 25C
Stability: Within +/- 0.2C/h (Main console area); Within 1C/h Other units area
Humidity: 60% or less (non condensing)
Airflow: about 0.3 m/s
Stray magnetic field
Commercial frequency: (BX2+BY2+BZ2)1/2 </= 0.1 uT
Drift component: (BX2+BY2+BZ2)1/2 </- 0.1 uT
Floor Flatness: +/-1 mm within 600 x 600 mm area
Sound Noise Level
20 Hz-12500 Hz: </= 65 dB
20 Hz and under: </= 90 dB
2010 vintage.
JEOL JBX-5500FS是一种用于高速、高通量成像的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)。它能够以多种成像模式捕获高分辨率图像,包括二次和反向散射电子成像、阴极发光和光电倍增管成像。JBX-5500FS配有一个快速的电子光柱,能够在不到10秒的时间内获取图像。JEOL JBX-5500FS使用具有野外发射枪的热电子SEM柱,提供5千伏低真空模式,用于非导电样品的高对比度成像。这样,即使在高达300,000倍的高放大倍数下,也能够检测到具有改进图像质量的纳米级特征。JBX-5500FS具有高精度XY机动化级,能够以500 μ m/s的最高速度移动,提供卓越的成像性能。显微镜还配备了一个自动化的、完全可编程的Close Zone Imaging迷你级,提供点对点可重复性和亚微米精度。JEOL JBX-5500FS具有人体工程学设计,并配有21英寸TFT显示器,便于操作和查看图像。它还拥有一个集成了多种工具的图像识别和分析软件包,包括用于测量形状、大小和分布的粒子分析套件,以及用于用光学图像测量特征的工具。JBX-5500FS具有卓越的能量过滤功能,允许用户过滤出低能和高能电子以实现最佳成像。滤波器和检测器可以调整,以提高对比度和分辨率.综上所述,JEOL JBX-5500FS是一种具有卓越成像和成像处理能力的高性能扫描电子显微镜。它专为高通量成像而设计,提供快速、准确的成像性能以及卓越的图像质量和对比度。